The Board of the Faculty of Science and Engineering has the overall responsibility for the Faculty’s education and research.

Term of office: 2024-2026

Full members


Johan Ölvander, Dean, Professor, IEI

Deputy chair

Helena Herbertsson, Senior Lecturer, IFM

Staff representatives

Eva Blomqvist, Associate Professor, IDA
Magnus Borga, Professor, IMT
Camilla Forsell, Senior Lecturer, ITN
Svante Gunnarsson, Professor, ISY
Martin Singull, Professor, MAI

Business representatives

Samuel Axelsson, Ericsson
Karolina Bergström, SAAB
Lena Miranda, Linköping Science Park

Student representatives

Clara Björk, LinTek (Union of Technology and Science Students)
Linus Karlsson, LinTek (Union of Technology and Science Students)
Carl Magnus Bruhner, PhD Student


Staff representatives

Tobias Andersson Granberg, Professor
Axel Hultman, Professor
Maria Johansson, Associate Professor
Christoph Kessler, Professor
Kajsa Uvdal, Professor
Karin Wårdell, Professor

Business representatives

Mile Elez, Tekniska verken
Thomas Wiktorsson, Siemens Energy
Bodil Aarhus Andrae, SMHI

Student representatives

Hannah Gunnhagen, LinTek (Union of Technology and Science Students)
Johanna Jakobsson, LinTek (Union of Technology and Science Students)
Klervie Toczé, PhD Student

Union representatives with a right to attend and express views

Janerik Lundquist, SACO, CF
Karin Baardsen, ST - OFR/S (deputy: Hanna Ekelund Strand)

Co-opted members

Annalena Kindgren, Head of Faculty Office
Margareta Johansson, Board Secretary (contact details below)

2024 Board meetings 

24 January
14-15 March
23 April
11 June
19 September
17 October
3 December

