AFM will co-fund successful applications from excellent female researchers in materials science to the above-mentioned funding schemes in the form of supporting grants of 300-500 kSEK / year for three years. Moreover, AFM will provide a statement of support, e.g. specifying the co-funding, which can be included in the application upon its submission to WAF, SSF FFL, ERC StG, VR starting grant, FORMAS early-career researchers.
Eligible are female researchers active in the field of materials science, with at least postdoctoral experience or equivalent, whose application aims to support their recruitment to IFM, ITN or IEI or who today are employed at IFM, ITN or IEI.*
Interested candidates should submit their documents to AFM (maximum one-page-pdf document with motivation + two-page CV + publication list) at least one month before the main application is submitted to WAF, SSF FFL, ERC StG, VR starting grant, FORMAS early-career researchers. The documents should be sent to Wendela Yonar:
Priority will be given according to the following order: 1) WAF, SSF FFL, ERC StG (AFM support 500 kSEK/year), 2) VR starting grant, FORMAS early-career researchers (AFM support 300 kSEK/year). If further prioritization is needed, external recruitments will be prioritized over internal applicants.
Researchers can only have one active AFM grant at a given time. If several AFM grants are awarded, the researcher must choose one.
The formal decisions for AFM Strategic initiative for excellent female researchers in materials science will be taken after the main grant is awarded.
The projects/funding will be granted as long as the budget allows and under the condition that the Swedish government follows the recommendations for future funding of the Strategic Research Areas in line with the recommendations issued by the funding authorities: "Myndigheternas rekommendationer gällande SFO-stödet och framtida riktade satsningar (VR dnr. 5.1- 2015-5959).
What is AFM?
*main employment, at least 50,1 %, at LiU and a member of IFM, ITN or IEI