Children have the right to give their opinions freely on issues that affect them

Illustration of a teenager in conversation with adult

Barnafrid's work with child and youth participation is based on Article 3 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (In all actions concerning children, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration) and Article 12 (Children have the right to express their views and be heard in all matters affecting them).

Many children and young people feel that they are not consulted or listened to. This is why Barnafrid places particular emphasis on including children in the processes that affect them.

Since 2022, Barnafrid has worked with two youth panels, in collaboration with two upper secondary schools in Östergötland.

Barnafrids youth panels

The Barnafrid model of child and youth participation

The Barnafrid model of child and youth participation, developed in collaboration with children and young people, provides professionals with a practical tool for including them in their activities.

The model has been successfully piloted with children aged 12-17 and is continuously used by Barnafrid’s youth panel and in research. It emphasizes viewing children as active participants in their own lives. The model will be presented in a handbook coming soon. 

Illustration of a teenager looking down at her phone