
Selected publications

Selected original papers

Mayo LM, Asratian A, Linde J, Morena M, Haataja R, Hammar V, Augier G, Hill MN, Heilig M. 2020. Elevated Anandamide, Enhanced Recall of Fear Extinction, and Attenuated Stress Responses Following Inhibition of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase: A Randomized, Controlled Experimental Medicine Trial. Biol Psychiatry 87: 538-47. Continue to DOI.

Perini I, Kampe R, Arlestig T, Karlsson H, Lofberg A, Pietrzak M, Zangen A, Heilig M. 2020. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation targeting the insular cortex for reduction of heavy drinking in treatment-seeking alcohol-dependent subjects: a randomized controlled trial. Neuropsychopharmacology 45: 842-50. Continue to DOI.

Spagnolo PA, Kimes A, Schwandt ML, Shokri-Kojori E, Thada S, Phillips KA, Diazgranados N, Preston KL, Herscovitch P, Tomasi D, Ramchandani VA, Heilig M. 2019. Striatal Dopamine Release in Response to Morphine: A [(11)C]Raclopride Positron Emission Tomography Study in Healthy Men. Biol Psychiatry 86: 356-64. Continue to DOI.

Mayo LM, Asratian A, Linde J, Holm L, Natt D, Augier G, Stensson N, Vecchiarelli HA, Balsevich G, Aukema RJ, Ghafouri B, Spagnolo PA, Lee FS, Hill MN, Heilig M. 2018. Protective effects of elevated anandamide on stress and fear-related behaviors: translational evidence from humans and mice. Mol Psychiatry 2019 e-pub. Continue to DOI.

Perini I, Gustafsson PA, Hamilton JP, Kampe R, Zetterqvist M, Heilig M. 2018. The salience of self, not social pain, is encoded by dorsal anterior cingulate and insula. Sci Rep 8: 6165. Continue to DOI.

Grodin EN, Sussman L, Sundby K, Brennan GM, Diazgranados N, Heilig M, Momenan R. 2018. Neural Correlates of Compulsive Alcohol Seeking in Heavy Drinkers. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging 3: 1022-31. Continue to DOI.

Spagnolo PA, Ramchandani VA, Schwandt ML, Kwako LE, George DT, Mayo LM, Hillard CJ, Heilig M. 2016. FAAH Gene Variation Moderates Stress Response and Symptom Severity in Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Comorbid Alcohol Dependence. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 40: 2426-34. Continue to DOI.

Selected reviews

Carvalho AF, Heilig M, Perez A, Probst C, Rehm J. 2019. Alcohol use disorders. Lancet 394: 781-92. Continue to DOI.

Mayo LM, Heilig M. 2019. In the face of stress: Interpreting individual differences in stress-induced facial expressions. Neurobiol Stress 10: 100166. Continue to DOI.

Heilig M, Epstein DH, Nader MA, Shaham Y. 2016. Time to connect: bringing social context into addiction neuroscience. Nat Rev Neurosci 17: 592-9. Continue to DOI.

Heilig M, Sommer WH, Spanagel R. 2016. The Need for Treatment Responsive Translational Biomarkers in Alcoholism Research. Curr Top Behav Neurosci 28: 151-71. Continue to DOI.