The neural circuits of opioid relapse after abstinence induced by negative consequences.
We aim to identify brain regions and circuits involved in opioid relapse by combining immunohistochemistry and neuroanatomical tracing approaches. Next, we will study their functional role using pharmacological and chemogenetic inactivation techniques.
Molecular mechanisms of opioid relapse after abstinence induced by negative consequences.
We previously showed a role of the brain region ventral subiculum in opioid relapse after abstinence induced by adverse consequences. However, the molecular mechanisms are still unknown. Using techniques including intravenous self-administration, different molecular approaches, targeted intracerebral injections of viral vectors, we aim to first identify potential molecular target within ventral subiculum and then study their functional role in opioid relapse.
The generality of the relapse model to other drugs of abuse.
We previously showed that oxycodone relapse after abstinence induced by adverse consequences is stronger than after forced abstinence. We aim to test weather this effect generalizes to other drugs of abuse, such as other opioids and psychostimulants.