We are committed to providing high-quality mentorship for our team and prospective candidates.

For example, Professor Xiao-Li Meng has longstanding mentorship experience at Harvard University, with numerous collaborators landing positions at top-ranking schools. 

Additionally, Daoud is the creator of a new podcast called the Journeys of Scholars, a podcast with conversations about the trajectories, macro-micro strategies, habits, and advice of top-class academic performers. The show is available on YouTube and Spotify, with the following recent interviews:

Pursuing excellence. An interview with Professor Gary King, Harvard University. (Link to the show)

How to combine academia and entrepreneurship. Continuing the conversation with Prof. King at Harvard. (Link to the show)

Following your curiosity. Interview with Xiao-Li Meng, Professor of Statistics, Harvard University. (Link to the show)

Establishing your research program. An Interview with Prof. Stephen Raudenbush University of Chicago. (Link to the show)

Choosing your academic path. Interview with Professor Christopher Winship, Harvard University. (Link to the show)

Building excellent research environments. Interview with Professor Peter Hedström, Linköping University. (Link to the show)

Finding one's path as a statistician or data scientist. An Interview with Prof. Jennifer Hill, New York University. (Link to the show)

Planning for writing. An Interview with Prof. David Harding, UC Berkley. (Link to the show)