It is finally time to start studying your degree programme! It is important to know that being present for the programme roll-call is mandatory. In addition to this, you must also register for your studies.
Registering for your studies
This is a checklist that will guide you through the official programme registration and administrative set up for your studies at Linköping University (LiU).
Registration Checklist: Degree students
1. Obtain your LiU-ID (IT account)
NB! In order to set up your LiU-ID yourself, you must have applied to the university with a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer) through University Admissions. If you do not have a Swedish identity number, you must obtain manual assistance with your LiU-ID at our Info Centre.
Visit the Info Centre
Tip: Degree students studying for longer than 1 year are encouraged to organise a Swedish personal identity number. Learn more about it from the Swedish Tax Agency - Skatteverket.
What is a LiU-ID?
The LiU-ID is a central user identity consisting of a username and password, that you use to log in to all the university's IT services.
Studying via distance?
You will receive instructions from the programme director for the programme you are accepted to. Please wait for further instructions.
Have you previously studied at Linköping University?
If you already have a LiU-ID from previous studies, you only need to register for the course via the Student Portal. If you have forgotten your password, visit and follow the instructions. If you have forgotten your LiU-ID username or have other questions, contact Info Centre
2. Activate two-step verification for your LiU ID
Two-step verification is a security feature for all accounts at Linköping University. To access resources remotely, you need to verify yourself using an app to log in. Make settings for two-step verification according to video instructions below (click CC to turn on English subtitles).
Follow the instructions here.
3. Get started with your digital services and find your course room
In most cases, you can access the course rooms as soon as you’re admitted to LiU but certain functions - such as your email – will only be available once you have registered.
This also applies to Liunet, the hub for all information you need during your studies.
4. Attend your mandatory roll call or virtual roll call
Information about the date, time, location and who your points of contact are for the roll call is all available on your programme specific admitted web page, which you can find the link to via the Admitted Students Web.
Studying via distance?
Distance students are required to attend a virtual roll call. Details will be emailed to distance students, please ensure we have your best email address.
5. Officially register for studies at LiU
You must register for your programme and courses in order to participate in teaching and exams. LADOK is the student administration system used in all Swedish universities and college universities. There is a link in Lisam entitled ''Registration (Ladok)'', log in with your LiU-ID and register for your programme or courses.
Once you are registered, you get access to the library's digital resources.
Double check your contact details
In order to ensure that you receive all important information about your studies, it is important that you check that your email address is correct in the Ladok student registry. The current email address registered to you is given under the “My pages” tab. We recommend that you change it to the LiU student email address you have been given. Check also that your postal address and mobile phone number are correct. Make sure to fill in your Swedish residential address if available to be able to borrow books from the library.
If you are a fee-paying student, and change your address in Ladok after being admitted, please also send an email to with your new address so that your invoice will be sent to the correct one.
If you have any problems with obtaining a LiU-ID or registration, contact LiU's Info Centre, and they will be happy to help.
6. Check your course timetables
7. Pick up your LiU-card
Pick up your LiU-card at the Info Centre one day after you have registered and uploaded a portrait image in Min IT by following the instructions under "My profile".
If you were unable to register for your LiU-ID before roll call you will need to organise that at an Info Centre, activate it, and then pick up your LiU-card.
What is a LiU-card?
The LiU-card is a plastic card with the following functions:
- Access card on Campus
- Library card
- Copy/print card
- Bus card on the Campus bus
- Electronic identification for internal use at LiU
8. Present original documents
9. Start using Liunet
Problems with registration, or have academic questions?
If you have trouble registering for your programme or certain courses or have other questions of academic nature, you need to contact your Faculty Coordinator, whose details are provided on your programme specific admitted page.
Related information
Start using Liunet
Once you have registered, you will find everything you need in one place, Liunet. Here you can book group rooms, keep track of the schedule, download software, find useful information about campus, read about what support LiU offers, how to apply to study abroad, what rights and responsibilities you have as a student, and loads of other practical information.