Doctoral Thesis
Verena Heinisch (2021). Decentralization in energy systems - Low-carbon technologies and sector coupling on the household, community and city scales
Fredrik Envall (2021). Experimenting for change?: The politics of accomplishing environmental governance through smart energy pilot projects
Kristina Hojcková (2020). Emerging networks of power: Exploring socio-technical pathways towards future electricity systems based on renewable energy technologies
Journal Articles
Andersson, J., Hojcková, K., Sandén B. (2020) Clarifying the focus and improving the rigour of sustainability transitions research on emerging technologies. IST 2020 Conference paper.
Duvignau, R., V. Heinisch, L. Göransson, V. Gulisano, and M. Papatriantafilou. “Small-Scale Communities Are Sufficient for Cost- and Data-Efficient Peer-to-Peer Energy Sharing,” e-Energy 2020 - Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, 35–46, 2020.
Heinisch, Verena, Mikael Odenberger, Lisa Göransson, and Filip Johnsson (2019a). “Prosumers in the Electricity System—Household vs. System Optimization of the Operation of Residential Photovoltaic Battery Systems.” Frontiers in Energy Research 6.
Heinisch, Verena, Mikael Odenberger, Lisa Göransson, and Filip Johnsson (2019b). “Organizing Prosumers into Electricity Trading Communities: Costs to Attain Electricity Transfer Limitations and Self‐sufficiency Goals.” International Journal of Energy Research, July 25, er.4720.
Heinisch, Verena, Lisa Göransson, Mikael Odenberger, and Filip Johansson (2019c). “Interconnection of the Electricity and Heating Sectors to Support the Energy Transition in Cities.” International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management 24 (October 11, 2019).
Heinisch, Verena, Lisa Göransson, Rasmus Erlandsson, Henrik Hodel, Filip Johnsson, Mikael Odenberger (2020). “Smart electric vehicle charging strategies for sectoral coupling in a city energy system", submitted for publication (2020)
Heinisch, Verena, Lisa Göransson, Mikael Odenberger, and Filip Johansson (2021). ”The impact of electricity transfer capacity between city and regional scales on energy system decarbonization” (preliminary title), to be submitted for publication.
Heinisch, Verena (2021). Title to be decided. PhD thesis, Energy technology, Space, Earth and the Environment, Chalmers University of Technology. To be published in April 2021.
Hojčková, K., Sandén, B., & Ahlborg, H. (2017). Three electricity futures: Monitoring the emergence of alternative system architectures. Futures 98:72-89.
Hojčková, K., Ahlborg H., Morrison G., Sandén B. (2020a) Entrepreneurial use of context for technological system creation and expansion: The case of blockchain-based peer-to-peer electricity trading. Research Policy 49:104046.
Hojčková, K., Ahlborg H., Sandén B. (2020b) Building a global Supergrid: A sociotechnical analysis. Manuscript submitted to Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews.
Hojckova, K. (2020b). The challenge of peer-to-peer electricity trading pilots: Review of innovation systemic problems in the US and Australia. Manuscript submitted to Energies’ special issue on Smart Local Energy Systems.
Wilkinson, S. J, Hojckova, K., Eon, C., Morrison, G., Sandén B. (2020). Is peer-to-peer electricity trading empowering users? Evidence on motivations and roles in a prosumer business model trial in Australia. Energy Research and Social Science 66:101500.