Are you required to pay fees to study at Linköping University?
- If you are a citizen from a country outside the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, then you must pay an application fee to University Admissions and tuition fees to Linköping University (LiU).
- You do not need to pay application and tuition fees if you are a citizen of Sweden or any country within the EU/EEA or Switzerland, or if you have certain types of residency in Sweden. Find out more at You do need to provide proof that you are exempt.
- All exchange agreements to LiU are free of charge and there are normally no fees for PhD students.
Please note that fees do not cover the price of accommodation, course literature or the general cost of living.
All non-fee- paying applicants need to provide documentation of their citizenship status before they can be assessed non-fee-paying.
If you are still unsure whether you must pay fees you can read all the details on (the official website for applying to higher education in Sweden managed by the Swedish Council for Higher Education).