In urban planning houses, streets and squares often become the focus, and citizens feel as if they have not been involved in the planning processes. In an international setting we experimented with another starting point for planning; the services that fills the urban space with people, soul, activities and life.

Byggarbetsplats-bygglogistik-VallastadenPhoto credit: Thor BalkhedMore than 50 design driven students form around the world worked together during a one day workshop, facilitated by internationally renowned designers and urban planners, to suggest services that corresponded to the quality program of the new Vallastaden neighbourhood, where BoExpo 2017 will be held.

Vallastaden’s quality program is referring to ecological and social sustainability as well as creativity. Using these as a starting point the groups were suggesting services that supports those values, and by the descriptions of them indirectly defined prerequisites and requirements on the neighbourhood and the planning to make it possible to have those services. Similar to results gained through a project on city farming. One suggestion was a micro-sharing service, where the sharing of e.g. tools was done using a system of SMS activated lockers. Another was a communal activity roof-top scene, with outdoor cinema, etc.
The video below is a short summary of the workshop, with some examples of services that were suggested.



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