When you have completed courses that cover three areas of competence you may apply for a diploma which states that you have a specialisation in project management.

A girl with a yellow cardigan holds a book Photo credit urbazon

When you have completed courses that cover the three areas of competence, which according to the certifying organisation International Project Management Association are required for professional project management (Technical competence, Behavioural competence and Contextual competence) you may apply for a diploma which states that you have a specialisation in project management.

To qualify for the diploma, you must have completed the following three courses at Division of Project, Innovations and Entrepreneurship:

  • TEIO04 Project management or similar (ETES42, TEIO23, TEIO28, TEIO32, TEIO47, TEIO87, TEIO91, TEIO96)
  • TEIO07 Project-based Organization and Management
  • TEIO13 Leadership and organizational change, or similar (TGTU04)

Applications for the diploma should be sent to our administrator Carina Ekhager, carina.ekhager@liu.se or Claudia Agirman claudia.agirman@liu.se after successful completion of the required courses (grades must have been registered). Remember to identify which courses you have taken and also include your personal identity number in the application e-mail.

