All Erasmus and Nordplus students must have a Learning Agreement. If your home university has not prepared one for your studies at LiU, please contact your coordinator and ask them about it. Students coming to LiU under a bilateral agreement should consult with their home university about the kind of documentation required.

When and how

Please keep in mind that Learning Agreements will be signed only after you have received your Letter of Admission (LoA). You can email us your Learning Agreement at and we will send a signed scanned copy back to you. If you need the original document, you can have it signed when you are already in Linköping.

We are also signing Online Learning Agreements (OLA) in our online system. Please send us an email once you have submitted your OLA. We do not always get a notification that a new OLA has been submitted, so this helps us to check if we have received your OLA and can sign it in good time.


The data of the receiving institution you need to fill in are:

Host University: Linköping University

Erasmus Code: S LINKOPI 01

Address: Linköping University, SE – 581-83, Linköping Sweden

Country: Sweden (SE)

Faculty: Arts and Sciences

Please make sure that your Learning Agreement reflects exactly your Letter of Admission, which means that they must contain the same courses, course codes and number of credits. Note that all courses that you will study at LiU must be included in the Learning Agreement, irrespective of whether any credits will be awarded by the home university for those courses or not.

Template and guidelines

A Learning Agreement template can be found at the official Erasmus+ website.

Link to Erasmus+ website

Link to learning agreement template

The official guidelines give detailed instructions on how to use the learning agreement.

Link to official guidelines
