Tema T’s research group ’Values’ organized ‘(Re)assessing impact: a conference about interventions, experiments and entanglements’ on 9/11 October 2019. It gathered an assortment of scholars variously engaged in questioning and problematising the ubiquitous and sometimes equivalent notions of research impact and intervention.

Values conference in October 2019

The discussions brought together two pressing concerns that had so far been discussed separately: the care and relations between researchers and their various publics and the paradoxical yet increasing instrumentalization of these relations. As academics we are increasingly expected to measure the elusive “effects” of research on society, and impact “pathways” have become an obligatory feature of funding proposals, during this conference the fundamental questions were addressed: what counts as impact and for whom? Empirical presentations yielded a rethinking and reassessing of the relationships which are implied and enacted by terms like intervention, impact, experiment and entanglement among others.

Values conference in October 2019

Papers discussed

  • Science communication as culture and performativity. Maja Horst (University of Copenhagen)
  • Impact of Anthropology: some thoughts about the relationships between anthropologists and their many audiences. Tjitske Holtrop (CWTS, Leiden University)
  • The pharmakon of collaboration: Activating research with the Independent Living Forum. Tomas Criado (Humboldt-University of Berlin) and Israel Rodriguez (UOC, Barcelona)
  • Nothing about it all, without it all: on evaluation as an agnostic practice. Jessica Mesman (Maastricht University)
  • Entangled citizen interventions in citizen science. Dick Kasperowski (Gothenburg University)
  • Escaping intervention: a reflection on informal and unprofessional behavior at public events. Linda Soneryd (University of Gothenburg)
  • Doing Data Together: Intervening in urban planning with digital methods. Anders Koed Madsen (TANTLab Aalborg University)
  • Following the Spiral Path: What if the Means Were the Ends? Joan Haran (Cardiff University)

Values conference October 2019


Organized by Fredy Mora, David Moats, Else Vogel, Sara Bea, Camilo Castillo and Steve Woolgar.