Thursday, March 8th, 2018, 9.00am
Smart Data for Smarter Fire Fighters
Bart van Leeuwen (Netage, The Netherlands)
Abstract: TBA
Speaker bio: Bart van Leeuwen combines his 15 years firefighting experience with 17 years of ownership. This combination allows him to highlight a new perspective on operational information delivery. With the ever larger amount of available data and changes in tactical approaches to firefighting new and fresh thinking is needed. As a outside the box thinker he helps fire departments to approach their information problems in a different way. In this process, technology is not the answer, it's an enabler and should be treated as such. Currently he leads an innovation project where proven information management technology is combined with new paradigms like semantic web technology to deal with information flows in a smarter and agile way.
Location: Room "Alan Turing"
Organizer: Eva Blomqvist
Friday, January 26, 2018, 9.30am
Adding Missing Links to bridge Natural and Artificial Intelligence on the Web
Fabien Gandon (Inria, France)
Abstract: The Web is now a space where three billions of users interact with billions of pages and numerous software. It became a collaborative space for natural and artificial intelligence raising the problem of supporting these worldwide interactions. This talk will provide an overview of the researches we conduct in the Wimmics Laboratory that studies models and methods to bridge formal semantics and social semantics on the Web [1]. In our work we follow a multidisciplinary approach [2] to analyse and model these Web applications, their communities of users and their interactions. We provide algorithms to compute these models from traces on the Web including, knowledge extraction from text, semantic social network analysis, argumentation theory, emotion detection and sentiment analysis and multi-agent simulations. We then formalize and reason on these models using graphs-based knowledge representation from the semantic Web to propose new analysis tools and indicators, and support new functionalities and better management.
[1] Fabien Gandon, et al., Challenges in Bridging Social Semantics and Formal Semantics on the Web, 5h International Conference, ICEIS 2013, Jul 2013, Angers, France. Springer, 190, pp.3-15, 2014, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing.
[2] Fabien Gandon. The three 'W' of the World Wide Web call for the three 'M'of a Massively Multidisciplinary Methodology. Valérie Monfort; Karl-Heinz Krempels. 10th International Conference, WEBIST 2014, Apr 2014, Barcelona, Spain. Springer International Publishing, 226, Web Information Systems and Technologies.
Speaker bio: Fabien's PhD in 2002 pioneered the joint use of distributed artificial intelligence (AI) and semantic Web to manage a variety of data sources and users above a Web architecture. Then, as a research project leader at Carnegie Mellon University (USA), he proposed an AI method to enforce privacy preferences in querying and reasoning about personal data. In 2004, recruited as a researcher at Inria, he started to study models and algorithms to integrate social media and knowledge based AI systems on the Web and support humans in the loop. In 2012 he became the representative of Inria at W3C and founded Wimmics, a joint research team of 50 persons (UCA, Inria, CNRS, I3S) including 10 full time researchers and professors on bridging social and formal semantics on the Web with AI methods. In 2014, Fabien became a research director (DR). Fabien successfully supervised 10 PhD, chaired major international conferences (e.g. WWW 2012 and 2018, ESWC 2015) and authored 19 journal papers, 124 conference and workshop papers, 2 books and 9 book chapters. In 2015 Fabien also initiated a series of bilingual MOOCs on the national FUN platform on semantic Web and linked data. In 2017 Fabien established and became the director of the joint research laboratory QWANT-Inria and he also became responsible for the research convention he had proposed between the Ministry of Culture and Inria.
Location: Room "Alan Turing"
Organizer: Olaf Hartig
Thursday, January 25, 2018
A history of ontology-based data integration at the Ontology Engineering Group
Oscar Corcho (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)
Abstract: Ontology-based data integration focuses on solving data integration problems of organisations that have access to internal or external heterogeneous data sources of all kinds (from relational databases to spreadsheets and less structured data sources). The usage of ontologies in this context is focused on providing a common view over all these heterogeneous data sources, allowing queries to be evaluated over such a common view. In this talk, I will review the research strategy that we have followed at the Ontology-based Data Integration unit at the Ontology Engineering Group in the last decade, since the unit was established, and the research results that we have obtained in this area, together with the current ongoing work and the main challenges ahead in the coming years.
Location: Room "Alan Turing"
Organizer: Olaf Hartig