Construction workers who spend almost half their workday waiting for materials – or shifting them around. Pallets that have to be moved repeatedly, because they are in the way of something else. Materials that have to be reordered because no one can find them on the site. These are all examples of poor construction logistics. Research is needed to make construction more efficient.

Construction site, man looking up Photo credit Thor Balkhed

Logistics is the study of how materials and other resources can be controlled, for maximum efficiency. Compared to many other industries, the construction industry has been slow to incorporate this knowledge into its practices. But in 2009 something happens. LiU gets a professorship in construction logistics – Sweden’s, Europe’s and probably the world’s first. The position is financed by a foundation established by Lars Erik Lundberg, a Swedish construction and property magnate.

Portrait of a man who is smilingMartin Rudberg, professor in construction logistics Photo credit Anna NilsenProfessor Martin Rudberg starts to build a research group that will focus on three different but interlinked areas: the supply chain upstream of the construction site, the operations at the construction site itself, and the interface between the site and the supply chain.

As well as delivering cheaper and faster building processes, construction logistics has environmental benefits. Transports can be greatly reduced, resulting in less emissions. And having to discard materials because no one could find them when they were needed is obviously a massive waste of resources, which better processes can put an end to.

So, what does the building industry say? Well, more and more contractors, companies and clients are realising the value of good construction logistics. Lots of local governments are getting behind the idea: they can see that logistics increases efficiency, but also safety, which is important for instance in urban planning work for schools.

Today, LiU's construction logistics research is leading in Sweden and Europe. Research is conducted in close collaboration with the business sector, other academic institutions, and research organisations, both nationally and internationally. In recent years, much has been centered around the digital transformation of the construction sector. Among other things, LiU has hosted Connected Construction Site, Sweden's largest testbed project in construction digitalisation, with around fifty participating organisations.

In time, construction logistics research can give us less expensive housing with shorter production times and better use of resources – important factors that can help us provide affordable, quality housing for everyone.

Read more about construction logistics research

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