Childhood shapes the ability of a person to experience and handle stress later in life. The earlier indications of stress are identified and dealt with, the better the chances of succeeding.

Stress in Children and Adolescents proceeds from current research findings to explore ways of preventing and relieving daily stress at home, school and the healthcare system.

The book starts off with an overview of stress as concept and phenomenon. The way children perceive and react to stress factors depends on age, maturity and level of development. Thus, the book is structured by age: infancy, preschool, school and adolescence. A separate chapter looks at stress from the point of view of the family. The book concludes with a review of stress indicators. Each chapter ends with case descriptions for group discussion or individual consideration.

The book targets primarily students in healthcare fields who will one day encounter children as visitors, patients or family members. It can also serve as an aid for students and professionals in interacting with children at preschool or school.





Published: 2014

Author: Evalotte Mörelius

Stress in Children and Adolescents (Studentlitteratur)
