Division of Nursing Sciences and Reproductive Health (ORH)

The research, education, and development at the division of Nursing Science is guided by the following definition of nursing:

The purpose of nursing is to preserve, promote, or facilitate health, as well as to prevent or counteract ill-health. Nursing addresses all humans across the life cycle, and it includes both theory and practice. Nursing becomes visible in the nursing act, which occurs in a relationship entailing a holistic perspective that considers the individual and his or her life situation.

The registered nurse is in charge of and enacts nursing as an autonomous discipline, in collaboration with others. Nursing refers to individuals, groups, and the society, based on common factors related to people’s health or ill-health.

Nursing science comprises a broad field, including development and advancement of theories and methods, focusing the needs and resources of individuals, groups and/or societies. Nursing science provides knowledge that can transform into understanding and abilities essential to ensure good and safe nursing and healthcare.



Teleyoga - when east meets west

We investigate whether medical yoga sent remotely can improve people’s health. Heart disease patients and former intensive care patients are included in the study.

Family holding hands.

Research Group for Child and Family Centred Care

Our vision is to promote, create, translate, and implement innovative research of high quality which can make a difference for children and young people with various conditions.

transparent image, place holder

The international Center for Self-Care Research

Management and administration

Head of division

Head of unit


Co-workers at the division


Visiting address Norrköping


Kungsgatan 40

Floor 6 and 7

Campus Norrköping

Visiting address Linköping


House 511-001, entrance 75/76/78

Floor 13

Campus US
