This project brings a group of outstanding guest researchers in the field of sustainable buildings to Sweden. The aim is to further strengthen and internationally embed interdisciplinary, socio-technical research on building and planning at Linköping University, Tema T.

Strategies for making our building stock more sustainable cannot be effective without focusing on buildings within their socio-technical context, i.e. the interrelation of new building technologies with social practices of use and everyday live; the influence of institutional contexts like building regulations, the structure of the building industry, or broader socio-cultural contexts; and the interactions, interests and expectations of actors, such as residents, architects, municipalities or building companies.

A hub for further international cooperations

Various research projects at Tema T are following such an approach and are dealing with questions of knowledge creation and brokerage in energy-efficient refurbishment, participation processes in the development of sustainable city districts, sustainable infrastructure planning, or the organisation of learning processes between architects, building owners and other key actors in low-energy buildings. The guest researchers will also contribute to consolidate and strengthen this research field in Sweden as a whole and turn it into an international centre of excellence and a hub for further international cooperations and research networks.

Guest Researchers