Tisus is a language proficiency test in Swedish that can be used as part of the necessary qualifications for higher education in Sweden. It is intended for applicants who took upper secondary education outside of Sweden, and thus do not have a final upper secondary grade in Swedish.

What are the requirements for taking Tisus?

When you take Tisus, you should have completed, or be in the final year of, upper secondary education outside of Sweden. In order to pass Tisus, you must have Swedish language proficiency that is sufficient to be able to take higher education in Swedish. It is immaterial, however, how you have acquired this language proficiency. It is not necessary to have taken any particular course or have studied any particular literature before taking Tisus.

Test dates

Spring 2023

9-10 May
Application opens: 20 February
Deadline for application: 31 March

Autumn 2023

24-25 October
Application opens: 7 August
Deadline for application: 15 September

Spring 2024

7-8 May
Application opens: 19 February
Deadline for application: 29 March


Application procedure

  1. Complete the web-based application form for Tisus Sverige (in Swedish)
  2. Pay the application fee when you apply.

In order to take the test outside of Sweden, several application steps are necessary. Stockholm University administers application for Tisus outside of Sweden (in Swedish).

Limited number of places available
The number of places for Tisus in Linköping is limited and a test occasion may become fully booked before the deadline for application. If there are no places available in Linköping, you can apply to take the test at one of the other five test locations in Sweden (in Swedish).

Fees for taking Tisus in Sweden
SEK 2,070 for the complete test
SEK 1,035/ for a residual test

Fees for taking Tisus outside of Sweden
SEK 2,500 for the complete test
SEK 1,250 for a residual test

Pay the application fee for Tisus Linköping to Stockholm University online, when you apply for the test. Payment must be made by bank credit or debit card (VISA/MasterCard). We use the DIBS payment system.

Application is personal and binding
Application for Tisus is binding. If you decide not to take the test or do not come to the text on the date you have booked, we will not refund the application fee. It is not possible to transfer the application fee to another test occasion, or to another person.

The application fee will be refunded only if you can show that you cannot take the test due to what is known as “legal absence”. This must be confirmed through, for example, a doctor’s certificate. As soon as an application is received, administrative costs are incurred, such as ordering printing of the test papers, booking of test premises and arranging invigilators.

In cases in which the application fee is refunded, an administration fee of SEK 370 is charged.

More information about Tisus

How is the test constructed?

The test comprises three components:

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. Writing proficiency
  3. Speaking proficiency

The components for reading comprehension and writing proficiency are taken on the first day of the test. Some candidates will take the speaking proficiency test on the first day of the test, while others will take it on the second. You should, therefore, assume that you must be available on both test days. The dates of the tests are stated in the invitation to attend.

The speaking test will be video recorded, to make it possible to carry out control assessment at a later date. If a candidate has given consent, the recording is also used in a research project that is investigating Tisus as a test format and communication situation.

How can I prepare?

In order to build up a sufficient vocabulary, you can, for example, read Swedish fiction and Swedish national daily newspapers. Reading Swedish newspapers is important, since the tests in writing proficiency and speaking proficiency often require knowledge about Swedish society – and about its problems, values and current events.

It is also possible to prepare by taking the example tests. Information about assessment criteria is also presented here.

Approximately one week before the test dates, you will receive an invitation to attend with the timetable for the test. You will also be informed of the subjects to be covered in the speaking component of the test.

What should I bring to the test?

NB! You must bring valid proof of identity that includes your photograph.

Bring a pencil and eraser. You may bring one (1) Swedish dictionary, such as the Bonniers dictionary or the Natur & Kultur dictionary, to component 2 of the test, writing proficiency. However, you may not bring synonym books or pocket dictionaries, nor may you bring bilingual dictionaries. The invigilator is not obliged to provide dictionaries.

Results and grades

Assessment of the test takes approximately three weeks, and the result will be sent to you after this.

Two grading levels are used: Pass (Godkänt) and Fail (Underkänt). In order to pass the Tisus test, you must pass all three components. If you have failed only one of the three components, you only need to retake the component that you failed, in which case this is known as a “residual” test. You must do this within 12 months of the first test occasion. 

If you have failed two or three of the test components, you must take the complete test again.

Other frequently asked questions

For the answers to any other questions you may have, consult the FAQ for Tisus at Stockholm University.
