One of welfare’s challenges is to manage mental ill health among young people. In order to succeed, knowledge about what the reported problems are manifestations of is needed. This workshop brings together researchers from a variety of fields working to improve knowledge of young people’s mental health.

It raises questions about how to develop the methods we use to understand young people’s situation, their problems and resources, as well as to scrutinize how young people’s mental health is represented in research reports and media.

The first section presents the cross-national survey Health Behavior in School-Aged Children. It concerns how the survey is carried out and further developed, and how young people interpret and relate to the questions in the survey.

The second section presents research on norms, values and assumptions embedded in research methods, and in cultural and media representations of young people’s mental health. The aim of the workshop is to create a space where we can share, complement and engage in discussions of methods and representations of young people´s mental health.

Venue: Temcas, Linköping university
Date: September 18, 2018


09.00-09.30 Introduction Anette Wickström and Sofia Kvist Lindholm
09.30-10.30 Dorothy Currie, Deputy International Coordinator for Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) and Co-Chair of the HBSC Methodological Development Group, Child and Adolescent Health Research Unit at University of St Andrews

10.30-10.45 Coffee Break

10.45-11.15 Report from the Public Health Agency of Sweden

11.20-11.50 Report from “Feeling low and having problem sleeping” project
Anette Wickström and Sofia Kvist Lindholm
11.50-12.10 Questions

12.10-13.30 Lunch

13.30-14.00 A salutogenic interpretation of psychological health Marianne Cederblad

14.00-14.30 Psychiatrised Childhoods: "Stories of the self that our culture makes available to us" Vicky Coppock

14.30-14.45 Coffee Break

14.45-15.15 Representations of mental health in the mass media Peter Skagius and Karin Zetterqvist Nelson

15.15-15.45 The ethics of measuring and screening
Kristin Zeiler

15.45-16.30 Questions and discussion
