Through her master's studies, Anna gained a broader perspective on sustainable development. This, together with the international aspect of the programme, makes her feel well equipped to take on future challenges.

Portrait of a dark-haired young woman in a light blue sweater against a grey wallAnna HägerWhere are you working today?

Today I work as a Citizen Engagement Manager at the company Flexens. Right now I am mainly working on a project called Smart Energy Åland. During my time as a student at LiU, I learned to see sustainable development from several different perspectives, which has been incredibly rewarding for my professional career.

Why did you choose to study in Sweden and at LiU?

I had previously completed my bachelor's degree at Uppsala University and then done my degree project in Switzerland. Then we moved to Linköping where I first chose to study a course, Sustainable Resources Management. I was very impressed with the way they studied. I went from being a niche in a scientific perspective to being able to supplement with perspectives in the humanities, economics and technology. I was so impressed that I chose to continue and then the choice fell on a master in Science for Sustainable Development.

Why Science for Sustainable Development?

During my time on the programme, I got an eye opener about what sustainable development is and can be. In the scientific perspective that I was used to, there is a strict methodology and not much room is left for free interpretation. By seeing sustainable development from several perspectives, for example what is sustainable from a social or an economic perspective. What I found very rewarding is that you learn about what sustainable development looks like in different parts of the world by exchanging experiences between each other. I feel that it also contributed to a personal development during my studies.

What is it that distinguishes Swedish university studies?

In Sweden there is a lot to discuss, there are no boundaries in any form of hierarchy, instead it is a very open climate where everyone's views and opinions come in.

What is the best thing about studying in Linköping?

It's easy to get everywhere. It is easy to socialize and do things in your free time, which you as a student appreciate immensely. I really recommend studying in a medium-sized city, it gives a lot to one's own student life.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

I can imagine working with leadership in society in the future. That is, to work with tomorrow's leaders at all levels. The world is saved by finding someone to look up to at all levels, someone who dares to take a stand and dares to show the way. Within ten years, I believe I will continue to work on an international level to find tomorrow's leaders who have a drive that can save the world.

Describe LiU in three words:

Unpretentious, welcoming, curious.

More on the programme