University Services (UF)

Professional and appropriate administrative support is a fundamental requirement for Linköping University to achieve its goals. University Services supports the university’s principal operations: education, research and collaboration.

With collaboration, efficiency and availability, we offer expert support and service to the activities of the university within finance, properties management, HR, international collaboration, IT services, study management, communication, and legal services. Our commission includes providing support and service to students in the form of study management, guidance and information before, during and after their study period. University Services also offers high-quality services to both students and employees.

Our tasks include also the overall planning and follow up of university operations, the implementation of university strategy, and the development, renewal and management of support functions and administrative systems.


Winter day. A Canvas on building wall with text that welcomes you to LiU.

Communications and Marketing Division (KOM)

The Communications and Marketing Division develops and coordinates internal and external communications and the marketing of Linköping University.

Studenthuset, Campus Valla.

Human Resources Division (HRA)

[The Human Resources Division works to ensure that Linköping University is an attractive employer, both for all of us who work here and for those who have yet to start employment here.

International Affairs and Collaborations Division (ISA)

International Affairs and Collaborations Division (ISA) supports faculties and departments in their work with internationalisation, research funding, commissioned education and collaboration.

An almost folded laptop with a lit up screen and keyboard.

Digitalisation Division (DIGIT)

A well-functioning IT environment is an element of everyday life for all our employees and students, and it is this function that our division provides, develops and manages.

Legal Office (RA)

The Legal Office works with questions that can be regarded in a particularly clear manner as dependent on legislation and contracts. It ensures efficient and legally sound operations within education, research, collaboration and administration.

Autumn picture from Campus Valla. A wall with plants in red colour.

Planning and Finance Division (PEA)

The Planning and Finance Division coordinates and develops comprehensive planning, budgeting, accounting, follow-up and procurement. PEA also provides strategic and operational support for business management, finances and overall educational issues.

Properties Division (FA)

Linköping University aspires to offer attractive, supportive and creative premises. The Properties Division ensures that our supply of premises and the development of the campuses are competitive, cost-effective and quality-assured.

David Engblom is working behind a microscope.

Research Support Division (FOSA)

The Research Support Division offers support for research funding processes and the realisation of larger research projects, as well as analysis and global monitoring of research and research funding-related questions.

Student Division (SA)

The Student Division works to coordinate and develop efficient and quality-assured methods in study administration, to ensure that students experience a productive and positive period of study.



Information about Linköping University