Swedish for Foreign Students - level A1. Distance course, 7.5 credits

Spring 2025, One-quarter-time, Distance

Closed for late application

Swedish for Foreign Students - level A1. Distance course, 7.5 credits

Autumn 2025, One-quarter-time, Distance

Application period 17 Mar - 15 Apr

Swedish for Foreign Students - level A1. Distance course, 7.5 credits

Spring 2026, One-quarter-time, Distance

This is an online beginner’s Swedish course which includes pronunciation exercises, reading, oral training, basic Swedish grammar and short writing exercises. After having completed the course, you should have basic knowledge of Swedish – A1 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

We meet approximately once a week in a virtual classroom – a Zoom-room. Before each Zoom-session you need to work with the corresponding course book chapter on your own using a Step-by-Step guide and prepare the assignments listed in the guide. The Step-by-Step guides, the pre-recorded lectures and all other material you need throughout the course (except the course books and the corresponding audio files) are available in the Linköping University learning platform Lisam (lisam.liu.se). The course books used are Rivstart A1-A2 – Textbook (ISBN: 9789127462342) and Exercise book (ISBN: 9789127462366).

There are eleven Zoom-sessions (10 chapters + introduction) but they are not obligatory. Instead, there are there are obligatory assignments which need which need to be completed to pass the course. At the end of the course there is also an oral and a written exam, both of which are done online.

In order to take part in the course you must have a computer with a stable internet connection, a headset (preferably USB) and a web cam so you can communicate with sound and image. 

Studying via distance