How distance education works
Distance education may be organised in several ways, the most common of which use an online teaching platform. The platform at LiU is “Lisam”, and it is here that you find your email, digital course rooms and collaboration forums.
Use the link (without “www”) to log in to Lisam using your LiU ID. You can access the digital course room as soon as you have been admitted, but certain functions will not be available until you have registered.
Campus meetings
Some distance courses take place completely online, without physical meetings. Others, in contrast, have on-campus meetings at which attendance is compulsory. An introduction week on campus with all participants is also common. Make sure that you know what applies to the distance education for which you are applying.
You should also be aware that the compulsory meetings on campus can be intensive, with teaching sessions taking place on several consecutive days. If you do not live close to Linköping or Norrköping, it may be necessary to arrange accommodation there.
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Search for hotels and hostels in Norrköping
Equipment for web-based distance education
Some distance education without physical meetings is carried out using web-based meetings via Zoom (software for online meetings). You must have access to a computer to run the Zoom software. It is possible to use a mobile phone or tablet computer to connect to Zoom meetings, but the experience will be rather limited. Depending on how the course is arranged, it may also be necessary to have a web camera. You must have a headset or earphones with a microphone.
The Zoom software is automatically downloaded when you join a meeting using a link. You will be given the necessary links from the course manager when the course starts.
Library services for distance education
Students taking distance education have access to eBooks, databases, eJournals and other scientific material at any time of day or night. All that is necessary is that you have registered on your course and have a LiU ID. The easiest way to access eBooks and articles is to use the library search engine UniSearch, which is available on the library website: Log in to the service with your LiU ID.
More information about how to use the library from outside campus is available at
It is, of course, also possible to visit the library to study, borrow and read books. To borrow books, you must have a LiU Card, which can be obtained from a Student Service Desk after you have registered on the course.
More information about the LiU card