The richness of student life at Linköping University is well-known, and the university has won the “Årets svenska studentstad” (Student City of the Year) award three times. It offers unique student traditions, life close to nature, and a broad range of activities, student clubs and societies to get involved in.

Photo credit John Sandlund

As a student at LiU you have many ways of getting to know people and lots to do outside of your studies. You can get involved in an activity just for fun, such as singing in a choir or practicing a sport, or choose something with more responsibility, such as becoming active in the student union or working in a student-run pub.

Student unions and sections

Meeting places for students within a certain field of study

The hub of student life at LiU is made up by the three student unions at the university – Consensus, LinTek and StuFF – each one of which represents students at the various faculties. Sweden has a long tradition of labour unions and is one of the most unionised countries in the world, local students are very active and committed to the success of the student unions. International students are often impressed by the breadth of work involved. The student unions represent students in university matters, and make sure that students have an influence on university management.

Each student union has several smaller branches called ‘sections’ where students can also, if they wish, become members. The sections are linked to the various programmes and courses, and their purpose is to improve your time at LiU as a student. In addition to monitoring the quality of your education, the sections also look after social activities, such as the welcome activities for new students, company fairs, traditional student events such as: parties, formal sit down dinners (known as “sittningar”), and other social activities throughout the year.

Consensus – for students at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
LinTek – for students at the Faculty of Science and Engineering
StuFF – for students at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and at Educational Sciences
Find your student union section at LiU

Student clubs and societies

Meeting places for students with similar interests

LiU has many different clubs and societies where students with similar interests can gather. No matter what you are interested in – chess, politics, music, horses, programming, theatre, or Harry Potter – there is something for everybody. And if your interest is not catered for, you can always start a new society.

Links to our more than 100 student clubs and societies are given below. You can also keep your eyes open for posters and advertising banners around campus with invitations to different events held by the clubs and societies.

Find your interest

Annual events

LiU has a strong student culture with a full calendar of annual events hosted by and for the students. You can choose between many activities that take place throughout the academic year, and you will rapidly find your calendar fully booked.

LiU has many events with different themes that occur regularly, arranged by students in sections, clubs and societies. These can be anything from competitions in tug-of-war, baking gingerbread biscuits or sledding, to entertainment such as comedy revues (spex) and parties. One of the largest events is the festival of student orchestras, SOF, when the campus and all of Linköping are overwhelmed by music. The university, with help from a team of students, also hosts the largest student welcome festival in Sweden, called New Students Day but often referred to by the locals as Kalas.

Kalas or New Student’s Day – the official welcome reception for Linköping University

Picture of the audience for a concert at Kalas

New Students' Day

The Kalas event is the peak finale of all the welcome activities LiU offers new students. Experience the event, meet new friends, and visit many exciting companies and student clubs and societies!

Other traditional student events include:

  • Dra't i spa't – Tug of war.
  • DömD – Open champion in darts, arranged by the Section for Computer Science and Engineering (D-section).
  • Elinpiaden – Toga party followed by competitions arranged by the Section for Studies in Economics (Elin).
  • Holger spex – Theatre from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, with performances at the Forum Theatre, October-November each year.
  • iDay – Theme day at which international students present their culture – clothing, dance, food, music. Arranged by the International Student Association (ISA).
  • I-Cabarén – Dinner with entertainment by the first-year students at I.
  • Joakim von Anka Cup
  • LeMans – Go-cart competition arranged by the Section for Mechanical Engineering (M-section).
  • LinCon – Gaming convention arranged by Dragon’s Den.
  • Linköping Studentspex – Theatre performances at the Forum Theatre in February each year.
  • LiU Game Jam – Organised by the student association LiTHe Kod, three times a year (two in the spring and one in the autumn).
  • München Hoben – LinTek’s Octoberfest, but in August, for all new students at LiU.
  • Nationsbalen ( – Prom arranged by the Småland, Västgöta and Wermland nations.
  • Pallen – Table-hockey tournament.
  • Pepparkaksbuset – Bake the best “pepparkaka” (gingerbread).
  • Rebusrallyt – Annual team competition for LiU students/alumni/co-workers. Solve rebuses and riddles driving around the back roads of Östergötland.
  • Snuttefilmen – Competition and party arranged by the Section for Engineering Biology (Bi6).
  • Suntrip – Summer party in the winter. Arranged by sections at the Faculty of Arts and Science.
  • Utekravall – Outdoor party in May.
  • VSR - Valla Saucer Rennen, a race for large makeshift toboggans in Valla, Linköping. Arranged by the Section for Applied Physics and Electric Engineering (Y-section).

Sport and outdoor activities

Having a fika