I am a political scientist and migration researcher, with an interdisciplinary academic background in economics and journalism. The main questions driving my research are related to why people migrate; how migration affects individuals, families, societies and economies; and how states formulate policies to facilitate or impede human mobility.

Aida Ibricevic
I am a political scientist and migration researcher at REMESO. I analyze return and readmission policies and develop alternatives. My research includes return migration, citizenship, political emotions, diaspora and transnationalism.
My first book Decided Return Migration: Emotions, Citizenship, Home and Belonging in Bosnia and Herzegovina is published open access by Springer as part of the IMISCOE Research Series. You can find out more about the book here.
At REMESO, I am employed as a Postdoctoral Researcher on the Linköping University team led by Professor Zoran Slavnic, as part of the HORIZON EUROPE MORE Project: “Motivations, experiences, and consequences of returns and readmission policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives.” If interested, you can read my blogpost about our work on the MORE Project. I am also affiliated as a Global Fellow with the PRIO (Peace Research Institute Oslo) Migration Center.
My current research and project development interests:
- Return migration (including returns of retirement)
- Citizenship, home and belonging
- Political emotions
- External voting
- Emigration of health workers
- Transnational returns in the ICT industry
- Women in the diaspora