Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO)

REMESO is a division for research, education and knowledge exchange on trans-national migration, ethnic diversity and citizenship in light of economic transformations and labour market changes.

REMESO gather researchers from several departments and runs a PhD programme, an International Graduate School and an international Master's programme within the area of Ethnic and Migration Studies. It also rund the Bachelor's programme Social and Cultural Analysis (SKA).

REMESO is also an institute, Institute for research on migration, ethnicity and migration, that develops a multilevel approach to research on migration, ethnicity and society that relates individual experience, local community development and civil society to the restructuring of the labour market, changing frameworks of citizenship and welfare. The research agenda include policies and practices of governments, NGO´s, media, firms and trade unions, contextualised by state transformations, globalisation and regional integration. REMESO's research also includes projects linking migration and ethnicity to post-colonial historical developments, education and health issues.


Doctoral Studies


Seminars and Conferences


Neferti Tadiar, LiU guest professor in the name of Moa Martinson, and Jonathan Beller, visiting professor at REMESO.

08 November 2024

Learn more of the world through a unique film series

The film series Moving Worlds includes seven films that, in various ways, explore the global forces shaping today’s world – forces that drive migration, conflict, environmental destruction, but also people’s resistance to violent change.

Neferti X. M. Tadiar infront of a photo of Moa Martinson inside Norrköpings Stadsmuseum.

24 September 2024

Moa Martinson visiting professor will get new perspectives of the world

Neferti X. M. Tadiar has one foot in New York and the other in Manila. As the visiting professor in the name of Moa Martinson, she will do research on colonialism, migration, capitalism, and environmental change from a new corner of the world.

Jonathan Josefsson och Branka Likic-Brboric at the conference GFMD.

11 March 2024

The signs that reveal migration policies

Who has access to the meeting rooms? Who leaves when others enter? Who is talking to whom? This may reveal how the winds are blowing in migration policy at an international summit. And researchers from LiU are moving in the crowd to observe.

Contact us


Postal address

Linköping University
Department of Culture and Society
SE-601 74 Norrköping

Visiting address

Kungsgatan 40
House 1
Floor 4 and 5
Campus Norrköping

Phone: +46 11 36 30 00
