
Alex Orrmalm

My research concerns children’s everyday practices with a focus on materiality, culture, and visuality. I am interested in how research with children can help us rethink theory and method in child research.

Babies and their everyday culture

In my research I focus on questions concerning materiality and culture in children’s everyday lives with a particular interest in the youngest of children. An important question is how we can work with, and think about, children’s participation in different ways.

Babies, everyday life, and materiality

In my research I focus on babies’ everyday lives and their engagement with material things and their environment. With a focus on babies’ practices, I explore how we can understand material culture, space, and mobility in babies’ and their families’ everyday lives. I also address questions of how children’s participation and children’s perspectives can be understood in research with the youngest of children.

I am also interested in the theoretical and methodological questions that emerge in research with babies and how an engagement with these questions can contribute to child research, and our understanding of children and childhood in a broader sense. How can we involve children’s diverse ways of engaging in participatory research? How can we think about children’s participation in the world we live in through focusing on embodied practices beyond the verbal?

Network for social and cultural research on babies

I am the coordinator of an international network that gathers researchers engaged in social and cultural research on babies. The network has a current focus on issues concerning the youngest children and the Covid-19 pandemic with the future ambition to focus on a broader range of issues concerning the youngest children in child and childhood research.

Children, visuality, and cultural heritage

In the project Children’s cultural heritage – the visual voices of the archive I work with questions concerning children’s rights to culture and cultural heritage. By collecting and analyzing children’s drawings my research focuses on how children’s visual expressions can be included as a part of theirs, and of Sweden’s, cultural heritage.

Visual and ethnographic methods

In my research I work with ethnographic and visual methods such as visual ethnography and visual analysis of images. I am interested in methodological questions concerning how we can attend to and include non-verbal, and more-than-verbal aspects of children’s lives and practices in research

Research projects and Network



Alex Orrmalm, Marek Tesar (2024) Imagining tiny archives: exploring young children's collecting of nature things Archives and records, Vol. 45, p. 219-237 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Alex Orrmalm, Johanna Sjöberg, Anna Sparrman, Rebecka Tiefenbacher, Joel Löw, Johanna Annerbäck, Johanna Sköld, Emilia Strid, Sanna Hedrén, Lina Lago, Olga Anatoli Smith, Yelyzaveta Hrechaniuk, Alan Prout, Marek Tesar (2024) Centring children in research: A collaborative exploration into child-centredness as method and theory Child Studies, Vol. 6, p. 11-32 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Alex Orrmalm (2024) Children's dark pictures-Societal critique in children's and young people's visual and verbal expressions about the UNCRC Children & society (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Anna Sparrman, Johanna Sjöberg, Yelyzaveta Hrechaniuk, Linn Köpsell, Karin Isaksson, Maria Eriksson, Alex Orrmalm, Päivi Venäläinen, Ylva Ågren, Natalie Coulter, Ulrika Kjellman, Pål Aarsand, Marek Tesar, Karen Sanchez-Eppler, Elizabeth Wells (2024) Archives and children's cultural heritage Archives and records, Vol. 45, p. 81-100 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Anna Sparrman, Yelyzaveta Hrechaniuk, Olga Anatoli Smith (Ivanova), Klara Andersson, Deniz Arzuk, Johanna Annerbäck, Linnea Bodén, Mindy Blaise, Claudia Castañeda, Rebecca Coleman, Florian Eßer, Matt Finn, Daniel Gustafsson, Peter Holmqvist, Jonathan Josefsson, Peter Kraftl, Nick Lee, Karín Lesnik-Oberstein, Sarah Mitchell, Karin Murris, Alex Orrmalm, David Oswell, Alan Prout, Rachel Rosen, Katherine Runswick-Cole, Johanna Sjöberg, Karen Smith, Spyros Spyrou, Kathryn Bond Stockton, Affrica Taylor, Ohad Zehavi, Emilia Zotevska (2023) Child Studies Multiple: Collaborative play for thinking through theories and methods Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, Vol. 15 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


CV in short


  • 2021
    Postdoc, Child Studies, Linköping university.
  • 2014
    PhD student at Child Studies, Linköping university.
  • 2013
    Master in Gender studies, Södertörns university
  • 2011
    Bachelor in Gender studies, Södertörns university


Research interest

  • Babies everyday life
  • Babies cultural practices
  • Family, kinship and reproductive technologies
  • Ethnographic methods

Research assisting work

2013. Research assisting work in the research project ”Frozen Assets: An Intersectional Study of Egg Banking, Gender and Reproductive Ageing.”, Södertörns university.
