In my dissertation, I studied gender relations in the Swedish Armed Forces, and what happened to ideas about women, men and soldiers in the transition from a national defense force to an international operational defense. Since then, I have continued to follow the Armed Forces, both with a focus on gender and LGBTQ issues. The two research projects I am currently participating in focus on the gender-neutral conscription that is currently taking shape in Sweden, but also on gender and security work in a broader Nordic context.

Alma Persson
Senior Associate Professor, Head of Division
Gender in organizations and working life
As a gender researcher with a great interest in organizations, I work with questions about gender relations, norms and working conditions. In my research, I have been particularly interested in how gender and equality are done in male-dominated organizations.


Academic degree
• 2020
Associate professor (Docent) in Gender Studies, Linköping University
• 2011
PhD in Technology and social change, Linköping University. Dissertation: “Changing boundaries, defending boundaries. Gender relations in the Swedish Armed Forces.
• 2002
MSc in Social and Cultural Analysis Program, Linköping University
• 2018
Senior lecturer, Gender Studies, Linköping University
• 2013
Assistant senior lecturer, Gender Studies, Linköping University
• 2012
Acting senior lecturer at the Department of Economic History and International Relations, Stockholm University
• 2005
Doctoral student, Technology and Social Change, Linköping University
Management assignment
• 2019
Head of Department, Gender Studies, Linköping University
• 2017
Director of Studies, Gender Studies, Linköping University