
Anastasiia Menshikova

PhD student

I am a doctoral student working with the Mining for Meaning research group. We study immigration debate in Sweden using large-scale text corpora and computational text analysis

Briefly about me

My research interests include exploring and explaining inequalities, biases, and discriminatory attitudes we find in textual digital traces and understanding how opinions, beliefs and meanings are shaped. I am generally curious about how computational text analysis methods can be used to answer sociological questions.



Anastasia Menshikova, Frank van Tubergen (2022) What Drives Anti-Immigrant Sentiments Online? A Novel Approach Using Twitter European Sociological Review, Vol. 38, p. 694-706 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Frank van Tubergen, Tobias Cinjee, Anastasia Menshikova, Joran Veldkamp (2021) Online activity of mosques and Muslims in the Netherlands: A study of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter PLOS ONE, Vol. 16, Article e0254881 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI