The Institute for Analytical Sociology (IAS)

The researchers at the Institute for Analytical Sociology (IAS) conduct cutting-edge research on important social, political, and cultural matters. The research at IAS is sociological – in its original and broadly conceived meaning. The researchers at the IAS come from several academic disciplines.

Illustration of people surrounded by data

Analytical sociologists develop deeper, mechanism-based understandings of important social, political, and cultural processes.

Through a combination of agent-based simulations, social network analysis, and statistical models applied to survey, population register, social media, and text data, researchers at IAS seek to explain why people do what they do and the societal consequences of their behaviour. In other words, we build detailed understandings of behaviours at the micro levels of individuals, families and firms, and relate these to empirical regularities—like segregation and inequality—at the macro levels of cities, states, industries, and beyond.

A considerable part of the research at IAS is concerned with individuals’ mobility within three important, interdependent socioeconomic domains: the labour market, the housing market, and the school system. This research area is concerned with the dynamic processes that lead to a concentration of individuals with certain socio-demographic characteristics in different workplaces, schools, and neighbourhoods, and the consequences this has for organisations, institutions, and the individuals themselves. Combining micro-level statistical analyses with computer simulations is key to this research area.

Another core area of IAS research advances computational text analysis in sociology. Large-scale text analysis offers new ways to measure what people feel, think, and talk about. Researchers at IAS are using corpora of digitised texts as “social sensors” to understand meaning making in the context of widespread social change, including the European migration crisis, and the rise of new radicalised political movements. IAS research in this area focuses on the social dynamics of public discourses arising from interactions between the public, the media, and a country’s political actors as they react to current events.

IAS is an interdisciplinary research environment featuring faculty and affiliates from sociology, political science, philosophy, management studies, and statistics. The researchers deploy a variety of techniques from text mining, machine learning, network science, choice modelling, causal inference, and agent-based modelling. The disciplinary character of the institute makes it possible for IAS researchers to make innovative use of methods and analytical tools developed in other fields than their own.

IAS was established in 2014. It is administratively linked to the Department of Management and Engineering. Maria Brandén is the Director of the Institute and Jacob Habinek and Károly Takács are the Deputy Directors. The institute is located in Central Norrköping, in the beautiful industrial landscape by the Motala River.

If you are interested in the relationship between Analytical Sociology and Computational Social Science, do read our article on the subject in the first issue of Journal of Computational Social Science 2018.

Here you find IAS channel on Youtube with seminars, lectures and interviews.

News from IAS

Photo of a woman.

5 minutes with Neha Gondal

Meet Neha Gondal from Boston University, an expert in social networks, culture, and inequalities who uses cutting-edge computational techniques to explore how networks shape societal boundaries.

Peter Hedström and Maria Brandén sits next to each other in a staircase.

IAS celebrates 10 years

It all started with taking risks. Now, ten years have passed since the Institute for analytical sociology (IAS) was founded."It feels like we have achieved a lot," comments Maria Brandén, senior associate professor.

Female researcher on campus.

Social networks can affect our choices

How can people's choices in life be linked to social networks, such as family, schoolmates and neighbours? Laura Fürsich studies how segregation occurs and factors that can counteract it.

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Excellence Centre and Research Programs

Research areas


Representative articles



Hedström, P. & Ylikoski, P. (2010). Causal mechanisms in the Social sciences. Annual Review of Sociology.

To article

Keuschnigg, M., Lovsjö, N. & Hedström, P. (2017). Analytical sociology and computational social science. Journal of Computational Social Science.

To article

Jarvis, B.F. & Song, X. (2017). Rising intragenerational occupational mobility in the United States, 1969-2011. American Sociological Review.

To article

Latest publications


Jesper Lindmarker, Martin Kolk, Sven Drefahl (2025) Cohabitation and Mortality Across the Life Course: A Longitudinal Cohort Study with Swedish Register-Based Sibling Comparisons European Journal of Population, Vol. 41, Article 2 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Eva Vriens, Giulia Andrighetto (2025) Why social norms may fail us when we need them most CURRENT OPINION IN PSYCHOLOGY, Vol. 62, Article 101975 (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI
Jose Luis Estevez, Carl Nordlund (2025) Revising the Borgatti-Everett core-periphery model: Inter-categorical density blocks and partially connected cores Social Networks, Vol. 81, p. 31-51 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Alexandra Dirksen, Sebastian Giessler, Hendrik Erz, Martin Johns, Tobias Fiebig (2025) Don't Patch the Researcher, Patch the Game: A Systematic Approach for Responsible Research via Federated Ethics Boards Proceedings of the New Security Paradigms Workshop, p. 126-141 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Manika Lamba, Hendrik Erz (2025) Thanking the World: Exploring gender-based differences in acknowledgment patterns and support systems in theses Data and Information Management, Article 100092 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

The past and future of analytical sociology

Twenty-five years now have passed since the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences conference took place that according to many marked the beginning of analytical sociology as we perceive it today. In this talk I reflect on how the field has developed during this period, and I present my set of priorities for the future.


parts of office buildings in the dark. Lights are on in almost every office

Computational Social Science, Master's Programme, 120 credits

How do ideas spread? How do cities become segregated? The programme prepares you to harness complex data and advanced computational tools to address these and other important social questions.


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Discrete Choice Modelling, 7.5 credits

This course enables students to perform their own empirical research using discrete choice methods. Students learn how to create discrete choice datasets, estimate discrete choice models, including binomial, multinomial, and conditional logistic r...

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Agent-Based Modelling, 7.5 credits

Agent-based modeling is a methodology for analyzing how groups of interacting individuals or other types of agents bring about various macro outcomes. This course provides a detailed introduction to the agent-based modelling (ABM) technique. The c...

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Social Network Analysis, 7.5 credits

This course presents key concepts, measures, and statistical techniques needed for the analysis of relational, social network data using a computational approach. Network concepts such as centrality and brokerage are discussed, and popular measure...

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Digital Strategies for Social Science Research, 7.5 credits

This course introduces the theories and practices of digital social sciences. The course considers the respective relevance of various digital data sources (sensors, surveys, internet-based media platforms, etc.) for social scientific purposes. In...

Research Education

Contact us


Affiliated researchers

Nora Bittar Hansson,
Stockholm School of Economics 

Peter Bearman
Columbia University

Love Börjeson
PhD, Director of KBLab, National Library of Sweden

Yunsong Chen
Professor of Sociology
Nanjing University, China

Francois Collet
Associate Professor


Guilherme Chihaya Da Silva
Research Fellow
Umeå University

Olof Ejermo
Lund University

Helen Eriksson
Research fellow,
Stockholm University

Kinga Reka Makovi
Assistant Professor
NYU Abu Dhabi

Sophie Mützel
Universität Luzern

Mirjam Nathanson
Research assistant,
Stockholm School of Economics 

Elizabeth Roberto
Associate Professor
Rice University

Arnout van de Rijt
European University Institute, Florence

Petri Ylikoski
University of Helsinki

Anders Ynnerman

Linköping University

Richard Öhrvall
Postdoctoral researcher
Linköping University

Formerly affiliated researchers

Ali Ahmed
Professor , Linköping University

David Andersson
Assistant Professor, Uppsala University

Chanchal Balachandran
Postdoctoral researcher, Utrecht University

Thomas Grund
Associate Professor, University College Dublin

Petter Holme
Professor, Sungkyunkwan University 

Michael Hörnquist
Professor, Linköping University

Aliaksei Kazlou
Research fellow, Linköping University

Gianluca Manzo
Research Fellow, University of Sorbonne, CNRS

Tim Müller
Research Fellow, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Adis Murtic
Director Localization and Transfers, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB

Rebeca Ibarra Olivares
Research Fellow, Linköpings universitet

Ryszard Szulkin
Professor, Stockholm University


IAS a part of Campus Norrköping