
Anders Olsson



Antonio M. Gotto, Anders Olsson (2022) Obituary: Professor Jeremiah Stamler (1919-2022), "Father of Preventive Cardiology" Atherosclerosis, Vol. 346, p. 75-76 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Anders Olsson (2021) Triglyceridrika lipoproteiner - farligare än LDL-kolesterol?: Hög kolesterolhalt i triglyceridrika lipoproteiner tycks gynna uppkomsten av aterosklerotisk kardiovaskulär sjukdom [Are triglyceride rich lipoproteins more dangerous than LDL cholesterol?] Läkartidningen, Vol. 118 (Article in journal)


Gregory G. Schwartz, Lawrence A. Leiter, Christie M. Ballantyne, Philip J. Barter, Donald M. Black, David Kallend, Fouzia Laghrissi-Thode, Eran Leitersdorf, John J. V. McMurray, Stephen J. Nicholls, Anders Olsson, David Preiss, Prediman K. Shah, Jean-Claude Tardif, John Kittelson (2020) Dalcetrapib Reduces Risk of New-Onset Diabetes in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease Diabetes Care, Vol. 43, p. 1077-1084 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Taufiq Salahuddin, John Kittelson, Jean-Claude Tardif, Prediman K. Shah, Anders Olsson, Stephen J. Nicholls, Eran Leitersdorf, Lawrence A. Leiter, David Kallend, Donald M. Black, Philip J. Barter, Christie M. Ballantyne, Gregory G. Schwartz (2020) Association of high-density lipoprotein particle concentration with cardiovascular risk following acute coronary syndrome: A case-cohort analysis of the dal-Outcomes trial American Heart Journal, Vol. 221, p. 60-66 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Anders Olsson (2019) PCSK9-hämmare kan minska total dödlighet: Resultat och konsekvenser av ODYSSEY-studien Läkartidningen, Vol. 116 (Article in journal)