
Andreas Ruschkowski

PhD student

My long-standing background as a folk high school teacher in certain vocational education programs has raised questions about how their national governing documents are understood and implemented in local teaching practice.


My thesis focuses on the vocational education programs at folk high schools in Sweden, which, according to the program member organizations' national policy documents, must be based on a "scientific foundation and proven experience". More specifically, the research interest is how this policy imported from the regular education system is created, interpreted, and implemented in the youth recreation leader and social pedagogue programs.

Beyond the thesis, another focus is directed towards primary school in Sweden and specifically how meaning is constructed within school-age educare centers. The interest of this research is to understand how school-age educare teachers and youth recreation leaders create meaning from their work and collaboration on teaching. This study is conducted in partnership with Carin Falkner, a senior researcher in school-age educare at Jönköping University, bringing valuable expertise to the project.



Andreas Ruschkowski, Johanna Köpsén, Andreas Fejes (2024) The formulation of the policy of education based on a scientific foundation and proven experience at folk high schools in Sweden (1974-2024)
Carin Falkner, Andreas Ruschkowski (2024) Lärare i fritidshem och fritidsledares (sam)arbete kring undervisning i fritidshem
Andreas Ruschkowski, Andreas Fejes (2024) The formulation of the policy of education based on a scientific foundation and proven experience at folk high schools in Sweden
Andreas Ruschkowski, Johanna Köpsén, Andreas Fejes (2024) The formulation of the policy of education based on a scientific foundation and proven experience at folk high schools in Sweden
Carin Falkner, Andreas Ruschkowski (2024) Lärare i fritidshem och fritidsledares (sam)arbete kring undervisning i fritidshem


Andreas Ruschkowski, Andreas Fejes (2022) Teachers' policy enactment of science and proven experience: the case of youth recreation leader education at high schools in Swedish popular education


Andreas Ruschkowski, Carin Falkner (2021) Grundlärares och fritidsledares (sam)arbete i fritidshem
Andreas Ruschkowski, Carin Falkner (2021) Fritidsledares och grundlärares (sam)arbete kring uppdraget i fritidshem


Andreas Ruschkowski (2020) Folkhögskolans utformning av vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet: En mixad-metod studie med fritidsledarutbildningen i fokus


Andreas Ruschkowski, Magnus Dahlstedt, Andreas Fejes (2019) Shaping the democratic, relational, and reflective youth recreation leader International Journal of Lifelong Education, Vol. 38, p. 632-643 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
