Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL)

A sustainable society must be based on scientific knowledge of human behaviour and learning. The research environments at the Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning generate knowledge in key fields of social science including work and working life, mental health, disability, school and lifelong learning. We educate students and scientists who are well equipped to meet future challenges in society and working life.   

Research at IBL

a man in a suit walks in the forest.

GROWL: Greening of Working Life

To reach Sweden’s political climate goals, working life needs to undergo a transformation. This research program focuses on people, organizations, and policies in the green transformation in industry and forestry.


aSTEM: Models and modelling for authentic STEM education

The aim of the research is to define and investigate the authentic integration of science and technology as two selected components of STEM education through models and modelling in Sweden.

Vilbergsskolans fritidshem

An Investment in Research with a Focus on School-Age Educare

Utgångspunkt för vår forskning är barn och elevers erfarenheter av olika former av utbildningsinstitutioner. Vi studerar yngre barns villkor för till exempel lärande och meningsfull fritid i barns institutionaliserade vardagsliv.

News about IBL

Sofia Nyström och Henrik Nordvall in front of a window that reflects the blue sky.

New course takes the UFO issue seriously

UFO – from tin foil hat to research topic. This is the name of a single-subject course that starts in the spring 2025 at LiU. It will approach the UFO issue in a serious way while looking at the question of what constitutes knowledge and truth.

Sign of Linköping University.

Two new Wallenberg Scholars at LiU

Researchers Feng Gao and Daniel Västfjäll at LiU have been appointed as new Wallenberg Scholars. In addition, six LiU researchers will have their  scholar periods extended. Each researcher receives between SEK 18 and 20 million for five years.

Researchers interact with a reading robot.

Studying whether a robot can awaken children’s interest in reading

Researchers at Linköping University are studying whether a reading robot can increase fourth graders’ interest in reading. The interdisciplinary project brings together researchers in technology, cognition and pedagogy.


Women listening trying to hear

Disability Research Division (FUSA)

We do research on various disabilities, where we measure and compare the impact and degree of disability. The focus is on cognition and communication.

Division of Education, Teaching and Learning (PEDI)

Teachers' work and students' learning are in focus at the Division of Education, Teaching and Learning. This focus covers basic and advanced levels as well as graduate studies and research.

Personer samtalar i industrimiljö

Division of Education and Sociology (APS)

Sustainable work and working life is the focus of the division’s research and education covering both pedagogy and sociology. Current research projects concern learning, leadership, equality, health and working conditions.

människor som samtalar runt ett bord

Division of Education and Adult Learning (PVL)

The division is one of the world’s most prominent university settings in the area of adult learning and hosts Sweden’s only Folk High School Teacher Training. Our research focuses on adult education as well as on vocational education.

Division of Learning, Aesthetics, Natural Science (LEN)

LEN is a division at IBL engaged in education and research within the Faculty of Educational Sciences at Linköping University.

Division of Psychology (PSY)

Research at the division covers many aspects of psychology. We also educate psychologists and psychotherapists to meet the challenges of work life and future clients in the best possible way.

Contact us

Department management



Postal Address

Linköping University
Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning
581 83 Linköping

Visiting address

Building I and Building D
Campus Valla