
Åsa Keita

Senior Associate Professor

Associate professor in Experimental gastroenterology.
My research involves studying the interactions between the enteric nervous system, immune
cells and the barrier function and studying the connection between the gut, its gut flora and the brain.

Research on IBS and IBD

Studies of neuro-immune interactions and regulation of barrier function in IBS and inflammatory bowel disease, IBD.

The intestine is continuously exposed to different substances, either via the food or the microbiota. The ability to allow absorption of nutrients and fluids but simultaneously prevent harmful substances from passing through the epithelium is defined as intestinal barrier function. Research from my group and others has shown that patients with IBS and IBD have a disturbed barrier function with an increased passage of bacteria and other harmful substances. IBS is a chronic functional intestinal disorder characterised by diarrhea constipation and pain, often combined with fatigue and depression. IBD is a chronic intestinal disease, which in contrast to IBS, includes an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. IBD is associated with abdominal pain, diarrhea and weight loss.

My research focuses on studies of the mucosal interactions involving immune cells, such as mast cells, eosinophils and the enteric glial cells, and the enteric nervous system. Among others, I have focused on the neuropeptide VIP, which has shown to be involved in the regulation of the intestinal barrier in both IBS and IBD. Further, I aim to connect the gut findings with measurements of the brain, and in addition try to connect this to the patient´s own microbiota.

MIIC Postdoctoral program

Medical Inflammation and Infection Center is seeking postdoctoral fellows

Post doc project: “The roles of Enteric glial cells in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and inactive ulcerative colitis”

In this project we aim to study the importance of enteric glial cells (EGC) and their roles in intestinal barrier function and interaction with immune cells, nerves and bacteria in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and patients with inactive ulcerative colitis (UC).

Since the project involves isolation of cells from intestinal tissues and cell culturing, the applicant should have experience from working with in vitro cell culture methodologies. Moreover, applicant should have knowledge in immunofluorescence and fluorescence/confocal microscopy as well as Western blot technique. A knowledge in gastroenterology, neuro-immune interactions of the gut and intestinal permeability is meriting.



Olga Biskou, Susanna Walter, Hans Israelsen, Martin E. Winberg, Olga Bednarska, Åsa V. Keita (2024) ReFerm®: a postbiotic fermented oat gruel composition is reducing mast cell degranulation in the colon of patients with irritable bowel syndrome Frontiers in Medicine, Vol. 11, Article 1408623 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Maria Ling Lundström, Christer Peterson, Charlotte R. H. Hedin, Daniel Bergemalm, Maria Lampinen, Maria K. Magnusson, Åsa Keita, Robert Kruse, Carl Marten Lindqvist, Dirk Repsilber, Mauro D'Amato, Henrik Hjortswang, Hans Strid, Johan D Söderholm, Lena Öhman, Per Venge, Jonas Halfvarson, Marie Carlson (2024) Faecal biomarkers for diagnosis and prediction of disease course in treatment-naïve patients with IBD Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Vol. 60, p. 765-777 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Samira Salihovic, Niklas Nystrom, Charlotte Bache-Wiig Mathisen, Robert Kruse, Christine Olbjorn, Svend Andersen, Alexandra J. Noble, Maria Dorn-Rasmussen, Igor Bazov, Gori Perminow, Randi Opheim, Trond Espen Detlie, Gert Huppertz-Hauss, Charlotte R. H. Hedin, Marie Carlson, Lena Ohman, Maria K. Magnusson, Åsa Keita, Johan D Söderholm, Mauro D'Amato, Matej Oresic, Vibeke Wewer, Jack Satsangi, Carl Marten Lindqvist, Johan Burisch, Holm H. Uhlig, Dirk Repsilber, Tuulia Hyotylainen, Marte Lie Hoivik, Jonas Halfvarson (2024) Identification and validation of a blood- based diagnostic lipidomic signature of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease Nature Communications, Vol. 15, Article 4567 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Maria Ling Lundström, Christer Peterson, Maria Lampinen, Charlotte R. H. Hedin, Åsa Keita, Robert Kruse, Maria K. Magnusson, Carl Mårten Lindqvist, Dirk Repsilber, Mauro D'Amato, Henrik Hjortswang, Hans Strid, Anders Rönnblom, Johan D Söderholm, Lena Öhman, Per Venge, Jonas Halfvarson, Marie Carlson (2023) Fecal Biomarkers of Neutrophil and Eosinophil Origin Reflect the Response to Biological Therapy and Corticosteroids in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology, Vol. 14, Article e00605 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Beatrice Zitti, Elena Hoffer, Wenning Zheng, Ram Vinay Pandey, Heinrich Schlums, Giovanna Perinetti Casoni, Irene Fusi, Lien Nguyen, Jaanika Karner, Efthymia Kokkinou, Anna Carrasco, Jessica Gahm, Marcus Ehrstrom, Staffan Haapaniemi, Åsa Keita, Charlotte R. H. Hedin, Jenny Mjosberg, Liv Eidsmo, Yenan T. Bryceson (2023) Human skin-resident CD8+T cells require RUNX2 and RUNX3 for induction of cytotoxicity and expression of the integrin CD49a Immunity, Vol. 56, p. 1285-1302.e7 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
