My group does theoretical chemistry research, with a particular focus on designing more efficient molecular motors and switches, understanding photochemical reaction mechanisms, exploring how photosensory proteins work and investigating the origin of enzyme catalysis. Furthermore, we also develop improved procedures for more accurate modeling of molecules in excited states.
CV in short
After obtaining my PhD from Uppsala University in 2004 and postdoctoral research at the University of Sydney 2005 and Università di Siena 2006, I was a Marie Curie Fellow in Siena 2007-2008 and a Researcher in Uppsala 2009, before joining Linköping University as a LiU Research Fellow in 2010. Having been appointed to this position together with three other young scientists from a pool of ~100 applicants from all disciplines, I was promoted to Docent in 2011, Senior Lecturer in 2014, Associate Professor in 2017, and Professor in 2019.