Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM)

Undergraduate teaching and research in the areas of biology, chemistry, materials, applied physics, theory, modelling and more are conducted at this department.

At the Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (IFM), we base our pursuit of new knowledge and tackling societal challenges on the natural sciences. By combining
Photographer: Thor Balkhed
experimental and theoretical tools, we strive to understand, explain, and improve our world.

We conduct world-leading research in advanced semiconductor technology, organic solar cells and energy materials, biophysics and biochemistry, new multifunctional materials, ecology and ethology, among other fields. Our work spans from fundamental principles and concepts, mathematical models and simulations, to the synthesis and analysis of molecules, particles, organisms, materials, and systems from the nano to the macro scale.

Chunxiong Bao and Feng Gao
Photographer: Thor Balkhed
Our students are primarily enrolled in civil and university engineering programmes, but also in teacher training programmes, technical/natural science foundation year, and various standalone courses. Our three master's programmes, which are entirely taught in English, attract a large proportion of international students.

The department has approximately 400 staff members, including around 60 professors (including guest and adjunct professors) and 150 doctoral students. Teachers, researchers, and doctoral candidates from around the world are drawn to IFM.

News and articles

Read latest news and popular science from the department.

Portrait (Feng Gao).

Prestigious physics award for Feng Gao

This year's Göran Gustafsson Prize in Physics goes to LiU professor Feng Gao. His research focuses on how new materials can be used for the next generation of solar cells and LEDs, among other things. The total prize money is SEK 7.5 million.

Researcher hold a glowing sheet of glass with tweezers.

Next generation LEDs are cheap and sustainable

Cost, technical performance and environmental impact – these are the three most important aspects for a new type of LED technology to have a broad commercial impact on society. This has been demonstrated by LiU-researchers in a new study.

Iridescent disc on net.

Successful outcomes for IFM's materials research in WASP-WISE pilot call

WASP and WISE have recently awarded grants to nine collaborative projects, three of which include participants from the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at Linköping University.

Upcoming events at the Department of physics, chemistry and biology (IFM)

Research at the Department of physics, chemistry and biology (IFM) 

At IFM, research is conducted in collaboration with eminent researchers from all around the world Photographer: Anna Nilsen

Prominent research and host for doctoral schools and larger research projects.

At the Department of physics, chemistry, and biology, we conduct innovative research in the areas of biology, chemistry and physics.

IFM also hosts two multi disciplinary research schools, Forum Scientium and Agora Materiae, as well as a number of major research projects and centres such as Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (CeNano), Biosensor and Bioelectronics Centre and Swedish Interdisciplinary Magnetic Resonance Centre (SIMARC) .

Research groups and projects at the Department of physics, chemistry and biology

schematic image of ecological networks

Ecological networks and community ecology

We use ecological networks and other modelling approaches to address a variety of community ecology questions.

Crop evolution - Hagenblad Group

Humans rely on crop plants for food, medicine, clothing and many other functions. The Hagenblad lab studies how crop plants have spread across the world and how they have adapted to different climates and cultivation methods.

Laboratory of molecular materials

We are a multidisciplinary team with a passion for science. Our research is focused on design and development of molecules, soft materials and hybrid nanoscale components and devices for a wide range of biomedical applications.

Education at the Department of physics, chemistry and biology (IFM)

Education and teaching at IFM

Prominent research and undergraduate education at IFM with a comprehensive range of courses in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology.

The research dominates the activities at IFM, but the teaching within undergraduate education is extensive. Each year, IFM offers more than 200 courses within civil and engineering programs, bachelor's and master's programs in physics, chemistry, and biology, teacher training programs, technical and science foundation year, as well as standalone courses.

Study programmes at the Department of physics, chemistry and biology (IFM)

Doctoral studies at the Department of physics, chemistry and biology (IFM)

Graduate schools at the Department of physics, chemistry and biology (IFM)


Visiting address

Campus Valla, B building and Fysikhuset building

Mail address

Linköping University
581 83 Linköping

Department management

Directors of studies

Technology manager

