
Cecilia Lindgren

Senior Associate Professor

Cecilia Lindgren is a PhD and Associate Professor at the Child Studies Unit, Linköping University. Her research concerns ideals and practices of childhood and parenthood in the 1900’s and today.

Ideals and practices of childhood and parenthood 

Cecilia studies children, family and parenthood in relation to welfare institutions, social policy, professional practices and everyday life. She specializes in domestic and intercountry adoption, and she also works within the field of ”disabled children’s childhoods”.

Cecilia’s research stems from an interest in State regulation of childhood and family life, and, more specifically, in notions of ‘the child’s best interest’ and ‘parenting capacity’ in family law, social work practices and people’s everyday lives. Her work includes studies on the history of domestic and intercountry adoption, adoptees’ perspectives on background and roots, and today’s assessment of parenting capacity. In the research project “Preparing for parenthood”, she and her colleagues examine the assessment process preceding an adoption.

Cecilia also works within the field of ‘disabled children’s childhood studies’ with an aim to explore how disabled children’s right to leisure and recreation can be implemented in everyday life. She supervises a PhD project on the co-construction of ‘meaningful leisure time’ in holiday and weekend camps for children and young people with neuropsychiatric disabilities, and she is PI for the research project “Implementing disabled children’s right to leisure and recreation – A study of activities and participation in an indoor play space for young children with neuropsychiatric disabilities”.

Research projects



Judith Lind, Cecilia Lindgren, Johanna Sköld (2025) Is There an Unrecognized Potential Pool of Foster Carers? Child & Family Social Work (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Judith Lind, Cecilia Lindgren, Johanna Annerbäck (2024) Adoption from care, the reunification principle and consensual placements: the political promotion of a controversial child protection measure in Sweden European Journal of Social Work (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Cecilia Lindgren, Karin Zetterqvist Nelson (2024) "Nämen vadå, det är ju så här vi lever alltid": föräldrar till barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar berättar om fritiden under covid-19-pandemin Barn, Vol. 42, p. 35-51 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Judith Lind, Cecilia Lindgren, Johanna Sköld (2024) Är intresset för att bli familjehem tillräckligt stort? Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, Vol. 30, p. 881-895 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Cecilia Lindgren (2021) Changing notions of "good parents" and "the child's best interest".: Adoption in Sweden 1918-2018 Annales de démographie historique, Vol. 142, p. 51-80 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

CV in short

Associate professor in Child Studies, Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping university

Docent in Child Studies, Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping university

Vice Dean for Educational Sciences, Linköping university

Senior lecturer in Child Studies, Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping university

Ph.D. at Department of Thematic Studies, Linköping university

Degree of Master of Science for Upper Secondary and Adult Education, Linköping university

Child Studies