Christer Borgfeldt




Habtamu Biazin Kebede, Selamawit Mekuria, Nahom Asegid, Ola Forslund, Christer Borgfeldt, Mats Jerkeman, Adane Mihret, Tamrat Abebe (2025) High-risk human papillomavirus genotypes in previously unscreened reproductive-age women in Ethiopia: A community-based cohort study International Journal of Cancer (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Selamawit Fisseha Mekuria, Habtamu Biazin, Tamrat Abebe, Christer Borgfeldt, Nahom Assegid, Adane Mihret, Reta Obsi Nemomsa, Ola Forslund, Mats Jerkeman (2024) Comparing visual inspection with acetic acid, with and without Lugol's Iodine for triage of HPV self-sample positive women in Ethiopia: a randomized controlled trial International Journal of Gynecological Cancer (Article in journal) Continue to DOI