Daniel Nilsson



Daniel Nilsson (2024) A ΔJ approach for nonlinear fatigue crack propagation: Experimental and numerical investigation of a ductile superalloy


Daniel Ewest, P. Almroth, B. Sjodin, Daniel Leidermark, Kjell Simonsson (2019) Isothermal and thermomechanical fatigue crack propagation in both virgin and thermally aged Haynes 230 International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 120, p. 96-106 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Thomas Lindström, Robert Eriksson, Daniel Ewest, Kjell Simonsson, Jan-Erik Lundgren, Daniel Leidermark (2018) Crack initiation prediction of additive manufactured ductile nickel-based superalloys 12TH INTERNATIONAL FATIGUE CONGRESS (FATIGUE 2018), Article 04013 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Daniel Ewest (2016) Modelling and experimental evaluation of non-linear fatigue crack propagation in a ductile superalloy