Division of Solid Mechanics (SOLMEK)
Mechanics is one of the fundamentals of engineering science. It deals with motion and equilibrium of bodies. Solid mechanics considers all aspects of the behavior of deformable bodies under loads.
Our teaching includes basic mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, as well as basic solid mechanics. We also offer a large number of advanced courses in, for instance, continuum mechanics, finite element methods, mechanics of materials, multibody dynamics, structural optimization and biomechanics.
Do you have a thesis project at a company?
If you have a thesis project at a company and need an academic supervisor and examiner in the fields of Mechanics or Solid Mechanics, contact professor
Jonas Stålhand, jonas.stalhand@liu.se
Jonas Stålhand, jonas.stalhand@liu.se
The interests of the Division of Solid Mechanics include theoretical and computational aspects of continuum mechanics, structural mechanics, multibody dynamics and thermodynamics. In particular, research is performed in the subfields of structural optimization, biomechanics, structural integrity of air vehicles and high temperature mechanics.
Recent publications
Head of Division
Director of Studies
Director of studies
General information
Visiting Address
Division of Solid Mechanics
Hans Meijers väg
A Building, entrance 13-19, Campus Valla
Linköping, Sweden
Postal Address
Linköping University
Department of Management and Engineering
Division of Solid Mechanics
Division of Solid Mechanics
581 83 Linköping