
Deijany Rodríguez Linares

PhD student

Deijany Rodriguez Linares is pursuing a Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Håkan Johansson in the Division of Communication Systems (KS), Department of Electrical Engineering (ISY), Linköping University, Sweden.

His research interests include machine learning, optimization, and signal processing for communication systems.

He holds a B.Sc. degree (2015) and a Master’s degree (2018) in Nuclear Engineering, as well as a specialization in Medical Physics (2016), all from the Higher Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences (InSTEC) at University of Havana, Cuba.

Since 2019, he has been a Junior Associate of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.


Deijany Rodríguez Linares, Håkan Johansson, Yinan Wang,  Order Estimation of Linear-Phase FIR Filters for DAC Equalization in Multiple Nyquist Bands, IEEE Signal Processing Letters 31:2955-2959 (2024)

Deijany Rodríguez Linares, Håkan Johansson,  Low-Complexity Memoryless Linearizer for Analog-to-Digital Interfaces, 2023 24th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (2023)

Alejandro Ernesto Quinones-Espin, Marlen Perez-Diaz, Rafaela Mayelin Espin-Coto, Deijany Rodríguez Linares, Jose Daniel Lopez-Cabrera,  Automatic detection of breast masses using deep learning with YOLO approach, Health and Technology 13:915-923 (2023)