Communication Systems (KS)

The Division of Communication Systems conducts research and education in communications engineering, statistical signal processing and network science.

AI-generated image describing the research at Communication systems.
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A principal focus of our research is the development of technology components for 6G wireless networks. Specific topics include the design and optimization of distributed and massive MIMO for high-capacity coverage and low-latency wireless access; methods to support energy-neutral (passive) devices and augmented, virtual and extended reality over wireless; design of wireless networks to support distributed AI and machine learning applications; and implementation of signal processing systems.

Security, robustness and energy-efficiency of communication links and networks are additional topics of importance.

Our work uses tools from statistical signal processing, information and communication theory, machine learning, complex networks and optimization.


Courses given by the Division of Communication Systems

Follow the Wireless Future Podcast

Don't miss out our video podcast that you find here

Professor Emil Björnson, KTH och professor Erik G. Larsson, Linköping University talking to each other.  

Faculty & Staff at Communication Systems 

Group picture of staff at Communication systems.


Research projects

Illustration RadioWeaves - The emerging physical-layer infrastructure for 6G wireless communications

RadioWeaves – physical-layer infrastructure for 6G wireless communication

RadioWeaves is an emerging physical-layer wireless access infrastructure, in which a fabric of distributed radio devices and computing resources serve as a massive distributed antenna array.

Energy-Efficient Digital Signal Processing

Energy-Efficient Digital Signal Processing

Energy efficiency in signal processing hardware is vital for several reasons, in particular to reduce the environmental impact, to increase stand-by times, to make batteries smaller and lighter, and to simplify the cooling of circuits.

Distributed jamming of Massive MIMO

Physical layer security in massive MIMO

The inherent openness of the wireless channel makes wireless communication between two legitimate parties susceptible to attacks from a third party, the adversary. These attacks can be divided into two classes: eavesdropping and jamming.

Wireless Network Design for Decentralized Machine Learning

Wireless Communications for Distributed Intelligence

This project aims at establishing a general framework for the joint design of information processing and wireless resource allocation to achieve communication efficiency and reliability in decentralized Machine Learning systems.

Global networks combined with light.


ELLIIT is a network organization for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) research at Linköping, Lund, Halmstad and Blekinge. The objective is scientific excellence in combination with industrial relevance and impact.

Security Link

Security Link

A platform for strategic interdisciplinary research, within crisis management, security and infrastructure protection. The research covers sensors, telecommunication, sensor and information fusion, decision support, information security and ethics.

Security Link


Demo of autonomous vehicle in Visionen.

ISY Day 2024 – AI in Society, Education, and Research

This year’s edition of ISY Day offered lectures, discussions, and demonstrations within this year's theme "AI in Society, Education, and Research". A theme that is both current and highly relevant at the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Sign of Linköping University.

Two new Wallenberg Scholars at LiU

Researchers Feng Gao and Daniel Västfjäll at LiU have been appointed as new Wallenberg Scholars. In addition, six LiU researchers will have their  scholar periods extended. Each researcher receives between SEK 18 and 20 million for five years.

The participants at 2022 IEEE SPS - EURASIP Summer School

Focus on the super-fast 6G networks of the future

Hardly has 5G become a reality, when the question of what 6G will be like is asked? That was the starting point when the 2022 IEEE SPS - EURASIP Summer School was arranged at Linköping University.

Successful premiere for ISY's PhD Workshop

For the first time the Department of Electrical Engineering organized an all-day conference dedicated solely to the department's PhD-students. Afterwards the director of PhD studies, Mark Vesterbacka, was more than satisfied when he summed up the day

Emil Björnsson.

LiU researchers’ publications make waves in academia

Four researchers at Linköping University (LiU) have been included on a list of the world’s most cited academics. The list has been put together by the company Clarivate. Every year, Clarivate uses this list to celebrate influential researchers.

Erik G. Larsson, Division of Communication Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering

Erik G. Larsson elected to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Erik G. Larsson is one of three newly elected members to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA). Larsson is professor at Linköping University and head of the Division of Communication Systems in the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Recent highlights

Olle Abrahamsson successfully defended his licentiate thesis "On Aggregation and Dynamics of Opinions in Complex Networks"

We welcome Anders Buvarp, new postdoc in communication systems

Erik G. Larsson is awarded an extension of the Wallenberg Scholar grant

Diana Osorio wins new WASP project grant, "ALERT: eArLy warning systEms for dRone detection based on disTributed integrated sensing and communication"

Danyo Danev wins the Gyllene Skiftnyckeln best teacher award from the Mechanical Engineering student association

Ahmet Kaplan successfully defended his licentiate thesis "Signal Processing Aspects of Bistatic Backscatter Communication"

Zheng Chen appointed Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

Zheng Chen appointed Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications

Erik G. Larsson co-recipient of the 2023 IEEE SPS Donald G. Fink Overview Paper Award

Martin Dahl awarded the SER prize (Swedish Electrical- and Computer Engineering Association) for his master thesis.

Erik G. Larsson named highly cited researcher 2023 according to ISI Web of Science

Erik G. Larsson awarded new VR (Swedish Research Council) project grant.

We welcome Yuhang Deng, new Ph.D. student in Communications Systems.

We welcome Diana M. Osorio, new Associate Professor in Communication Systems.

Zheng Chen appointed Associate Professor in Communication Systems.

We welcome Martin Dahl and Dexing Kong, new Ph.D. students in Communication Systems.

Chung-Hsuan Hu successfully defended her licentiate thesis, "Communication-efficient Resource Allocation for Wireless Federated Learning Systems".

Zheng Chen obtained the Docent title.

We welcome Nishant Gupta, new postdoc in Communication systems.

Ziya Gülgün successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation, "GNSS and Massive MIMO: Spoofing, Jamming and Robust Receiver Design for Impulsive Noise".

We welcome Adrian Edin and David Nordlund, new Ph.D. students in Communication Systems.

Faculty and staff

About the department