
Donatella Puglisi

Associate Professor, Docent

I am interested in development and operation novel devices, sensors, digital technologies for air quality monitoring in the fields of environmental sciences, preventive medicine, forensic science, smart home, and cultural heritage preservation.


I am an experienced researcher with solid academic background in Applied Physics. My academic experience and industrial collaborations include multidisciplinary research and development on gas sensors and sensor system integration for indoor and outdoor air quality, cultural heritage materials, environmental sciences, and sustainable development applications. Moreover, I have experience on measurement and characterization of wide band-gap X-gamma ray semiconductor detectors for space, high-energy physics, and medical applications.

I got my scientific habilitation (Docent qualification) in Applied Physics with specialization in Applied Sensor Science at Linköping University, in 2016.

I was awarded my PhD in Physics (2009) and MSc degree in Physics (2005) at the University of Catania, Italy.

Before moving to Linköping in 2012, I worked for three years as a post-doctoral researcher at the Polytechnic of Milan, Como Campus, Italy, at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering.

I am co-founder of the start-up DANSiC AB.

In 2019, I was awarded the national prize Åforsk Entreprenörstipendium.


Main research and innovation projects

H2020-EU project TRIAGE
"Ultra-broadband infrared gas sensor for pollution detection", 2021-2024
Participating researcher

VR - Vetenskapsrådet
"Indoor biomass burning and chronic human health and economic burden in India", 2023-2026
Participant researcher

H2020 EU-project SensMat
"Preventive solutions for sensitive Materials of Cultural Heritage", 2019-2022
Team leader and principal investigator

SMART-ER Pilot Project
"Indoor-outdoor air quality monitoring - A Citizen Science Project", 2022-2023
Participant researcher

National Pilot Project
"Development of an electronic nose for remote meat inspection", 2022-2023
Team Leader

VINNOVA Innovation project
"Cloud-Based Indoor Climate Station Embedded in Active Plant Screen", 2019-2022
Team leader

International networks

NORNDiP - Nordic Network for Diversity in Physics
Funded by NordForsk, 2018-2023
Co-founder and Board member

International steering committee member, 2016-2026

"Indoor Air Pollution Network", 2018-2023
Associate member


Courses for undergraduate students

TFYA99 Project Course in Applied Physics (CDIO), 12 ECTS, MSc level, year 5

Examiner and Course responsible

TFMT14 Measurement Technology, 6 ECTS, BSc level, year 3

Examiner and Course responsible

8FG074 Sustainable Development, 3 ECTS, BSC level, year 3

Course responsible

Courses for PhD students

6FIFM66 Leadership Principles and Agile Management, 6 ECTS, PhD level

Examiner and Course responsible

8FO0119 Sustainable Development, 3 ECTS, PhD level

Course responsible



Cecilia Enberg, Anders Jidesjö, Ola Leifler, Donatella Puglisi (2025) Case Study Three: Challenge-Based Learning for Sustainability Education A Practical Guide to Understanding and Implementing Challenge-Based Learning, p. 131-139 (Chapter in book)


Silvia Casalinuovo, Alessio Buzzin, Antonio Mastrandrea, Marcello Barbirotta, Donatella Puglisi, Giampiero de Cesare, Domenico Caputo (2024) Questioning Breath: A Digital Dive into CO2 Levels
Guillem Domènech-Gil, Donatella Puglisi (2024) Machine Learning for Enhanced Operation of UnderperformingSensors in Humid Conditions Proceedings, p. 87-89 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI
Jens Eriksson, Donatella Puglisi, Christer Borgfeldt (2024) Electronic Nose for Early Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer
Guillem Domènech-Gil, Thanh Duc Nguyen, J. Jakob Wikner, Jens Eriksson, Donatella Puglisi, David Bastviken (2024) Efficient Methane Monitoring with Low-Cost Chemical Sensorsand Machine Learning


Ambassador of Italy in Sweden talks at the workshop.

Networking and collaboration in smart sensor technologies - highlights from the Italy-Sweden Bilateral Workshop

The Italy-Sweden Bilateral Workshop on Smart Sensor Technologies and Applications took place at Linköping University on 1-2 October 2024. It was organised by the Embassy of Italy to Sweden and Linköping University.

Two researchers from liu and a man from NSF

LiU researchers awarded first Swedish-U.S. collaboration of its kind

Donatella Puglisi and Jens Eriksson have been awarded funding for the first cooperative research activity between Sweden and the United States under the prestigious NSF Convergence Accelerator program, Phase 1.

Donatella Puglisi in the lab.

Electronic nose may help in court

Today, cadaver dogs are used to find human remains, for instance after a murder or a natural disaster. But as this practice faces both legal and ethical problems, researchers at LiU are developing an electronic nose as a complement the search dogs.