
Ehab Abu Sa'a

PhD student

PhD candidate with several years of experience in industry. Passionate about university-industry collaboration, knowledge ecosystems, and knowledge sharing. Dedicated to unlocking the potential of created knowledge in UIC.

Leveraging co-created knowledge in university industry collaboration

University-Industry Collaboration (UIC) has the potential to create significant synergistic value by enabling partners to combine their complementary resources. However, despite the massive efforts and investments to promote collaboration between universities and industry, there remains a low level of engagement and lack of collaboration.While previous research has explored the academic perspective of university-industry collaboration, there is a growing need for a more balanced understanding that also considers more the industrial perspective.

Universities are typically viewed as the primary source of knowledge, with little attention given to the industrial organizations as partners in the knowledge co-creation process. Additionally, the existing literature has placed significant emphasis on the role of prior UIC experience in achieving desirable outcomes, which may leave inexperienced industrial firms with inadequate knowledge on how to derive value from UICs. It has been noted that there is a lack of research on the potential impact of UIC on the larger ecosystem.

This research goes beyond conventional University-Industry Collaboration outcomes, such as publications, patents, licensing, and other tangible outcomes, to explore aspects related to knowledge sharing in pre-competitive UIC that have not been adequately explored but have an impact on leveraging knowledge. Therefore, the aim is to explore organizational practices related to knowledge sharing and how co-created knowledge in UIC can be leveraged. The central research question is: how to leverage co-created knowledge in University-Industry Collaboration?

Read more about this topic in the article "Leveraging co-created knowledge: Perspectives on University-Industry Collaboration"

Brief facts

Experience highlights

  • 2008-2009/ SKF (Steyr) / product development engineer
  • 2009-2011/ MS-pharma / Supply Chain Management
  • 2013-2018/ Medical services corps (UAE)/ Supply Chain Management
  • 2018-2020/ Higher Colleges of Technology/ Supply Chain Management


  • Industrial Engineer, 2008
  • MSc innovation management and product development, 2013

Representations/ councils

  • Research education council (Forskarutbildningsråd - FUR)/ 2020-present / PhD students representative



My teaching responsibilities encompass a spectrum of master-level courses, including but not limited to Innovation Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Organization Theory, and Project Management. I actively engage in facilitating an enriching learning environment, combining theoretical foundations with practical insights. Additionally, I annually undertake the role of supervising master's thesis projects, guiding students through the thesis development process. My commitment lies in imparting not only knowledge but also instilling critical thinking and practical skills to equip students for success in their respective fields.


  • TEIO90 – innovation management
  • TEIO32 – Project management and organization
  • TEIO47 – Industrial project management
  • 799G52 - InGenious - Cross Disciplinary Project
  • CDIO - Entrepreneurship

