
Elias Elmquist

PhD student

PhD student in sonification

My research explores how sonification can be used together with visualization to perceptualize data and convey information. Sonification is the method of using sound to convey information, and can be used as a complement to visualization to convey additional information. Furthermore, it can also be used to support the visual perception and offer more ways of presenting the same data through another perceptual modality, which could make it easier to understand and appreciate the information.

The research is conducted in a user-centered manner by collaborating with visualization developers and domain experts through the design process of the sonification. The sonification is integrated with the environment where the visualization is displayed to create a realistic proof-of-concept of the design. The environment is also used as the evaluation platform for conducting evaluations with the users of the visualization to evaluate the contribution of the sonification in an ecologically valid manner.



Elias Elmquist, Alexander Bock, Anders Ynnerman, Niklas Rönnberg (2024) Towards a Systematic Scene Analysis Framework for Audiovisual Data Representations Audiovisual Symposium notes (Conference paper)
Elias Elmquist, Malin Ejdbo, Alexander Bock, David S. Thaler, Anders Ynnerman, Niklas Rönnberg (2024) Birdsongification: Contextual and Complementary Sonification for Biology Visualization Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display, p. 34-41 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Kajetan Enge, Elias Elmquist, Valentina Caiola, Niklas Rönnberg, Alexander Rind, Michael Iber, Sara Lenzi, Fangfei Lan, Robert Höldrich, W. Aigner (2024) Open Your Ears and Take a Look: A State‐of‐the‐Art Report on the Integration of Sonification and Visualization Computer graphics forum (Print), Vol. 43, Article e15114 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Alexander Rind, Kajetan Enge, Michael Iber, Niklas Rönnberg, Sara Lenzi, Elias Elmquist, Valentina Caiola, Fei Lan, Robert Höldrich, Wolfgang Aigner (2024) Integrating Sonification and Visualization - But Why?
Elias Elmquist, Kajetan Enge, Alexander Rind, Carlo Navarra, Robert Höldrich, Michael Iber, Alexander Bock, Anders Ynnerman, Wolfgang Aigner, Niklas Rönnberg (2024) Parallel Chords: an audio-visual analytics design for parallel coordinates Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

