Media and information technology (MIT)

Media and information technology (MIT)

At Media and Information Technology we do exciting and well-known research and teaching at undergraduate as well as graduate levels.

Learn more about our research and education here, and do not hesitate to contact us should you be interested in collaboration or joining us. We do fundamental and applied research, and participate in a range of large national and international research collaborations. Research projects emanating from the division has yielded multiple successful products that have entered the market. The division of Media and information technology also hosts the research at Visualization center C, where technological and educational research and development are important components. Media and information technology is headed by professor Anders Ynnerman and belongs to the Department of science and technology.


Hand infront of screen with digital autopsy.

Digital autopsies with 3D visualisation technology

It is already possible to perform part of the autopsy with the assistance of mixed reality, and fully digital autopsies might be achieved in the future. In the long term, this technology could render autopsies more efficient and legally certain.

Två persons infront of a row of computer screens in an air traffic control tower at night.

AI learning user behaviour – the future of automation

Automated systems collaborating with humans will be better if they get to know the user through artificial intelligence compared with traditional systems that the user has to learn. This is shown in a recent study involving air traffic controllers.

A person next to a computer with a painting by Hilma af Klint.

Sonification for a stronger art experience

In the 'Sound of Art' project, famous Nordic works of art have been enhanced with new music by different artists. The music was created after LiU researcher Niklas Rönnberg decoded the works of art through musical sonification.

Work at MIT


Image collage for applied vizualisation

Applied Visualization

We conduct internal and external production development with the goal of combining research data and visualization technology for improved science communication and use beyond research, with a focus on the public, schools and business.

Computer Graphics and Image Processing

The computer graphics and image processing group is driving a number of research projects directed towards the development of theory and methodology for image capture, image analysis and image synthesis.

Grupp ser på inmmersiv visualisering

Immersive Visualization

The Immersive Visualization Unit researches and develops various techniques to create an immersive and captivating visualization of data using large-scale display systems, such as immersive domes and stereoscopic vision (3D).


Information Visualization

The group focuses on the explorative analysis and visualization of typically large and complex information spaces. We develop novel interactive visualization methods and tools that are able to efficiently support analysts from various domains.

Illustration of Norrköping by Motala ström and people in the environment

Media Design and Image Reproduction

Our work is fundamentally about communication. How might we combine digital and analog media to convey information, insights and emotions? How might we create engaging and captivating experiences through modern information technology?

Scientific Visualization

We develop novel analysis, visualization and exploration techniques for a better understanding and communication of large data.

Visual Learning and Communication

Our research is about teaching and learning science with visualizations. We focus on biology and molecular sciences, and are interested in both learning with and design of visualizations.
