Elin Magnusson

Senior Coordinator

I combine my work as an occupational therapist and rehabilitation educator with teaching in the Occupational Therapy Programme. I am also involved in activities in Kenya, where I am helping to launch an occupational therapy programme.

I teach tomorrow's occupational therapists

I teach on the Occupational Therapy Programme in semesters 2 and 4.

New assignment: As of 1 January 2017, I am the international coordinator for the Occupational Therapy Programme, alongside Kristin Alfredsson Ågren. Previous international coordinator: Jane Holstein.

The rest of the time I work at Nytida as an occupational therapist/rehabilitation educator, where I have been involved in launching a service accommodation resource and daily activities. I have participated in a research circle focusing on people within the autism spectrum and their involvement in the implementation plan, and have contributed to a research circle report entitled “En plan skapar inte delaktighet. Betydelsen av kommunikation, normkritik och relationsskapande i planering och genomförande av LSS insatser”. [The English title as given in the report’s abstract is “An individual plan doesn’t construct participation. The importance of communication, norms and relationships in the planning and implementation of support for persons with disabilities”.]