
Etienne Ollion

Adjunct Professor

I am a junior research fellow at CNRS France and I visit LiU regularly for research and teaching.


My research focuses on contemporary politics. I am currently writing about the transformation of European polities, tracing the rise (and recent fall) of career politicians at their top. I have been invited to lecture in several universities recently (Chicago, Berkeley, Institutos de Altos Estudios Sociales in Buenos Aires, ENS-Paris, ...).

For more information, visit:



Sophie Mutzel, Etienne Ollion (2024) Machine Learning and the Analysis of Culture The Oxford Handbook of Machine Learning and Sociology (Chapter in book)
Etienne Ollion, Rubing Shen, Ana Macanovic, Arnault Chatelain (2024) The dangers of using proprietary LLMs for research Nature Machine Intelligence, Vol. 6, p. 4-5 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Salomé Do, Etienne Ollion, Rubing Shen (2024) The Augmented Social Scientist: Using Sequential Transfer Learning to Annotate Millions of Texts with Human-Level Accuracy Sociological Methods and Research, Vol. 53, p. 1167-1200 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Etienne Ollion (2024) The candidates: Amateurs and Professionals in French Politics


Etienne Ollion (2023) The Candidates: Amateurs & Professionals in French Politics

