
Folke Sjöberg


As physician and researcher I am working in intensive care and burn care.

Focus on research and development

One of Linköping University's strengths is that it's a comprehensive university. It's also young, forward-looking, flexible and with an innovative attitude. 

I am a professor of burn surgery and critical care at Linköping University and medical director at the Burn Center at the Linköping University Hospital. Burn care is a field of medicine for which the Linköping University Hospital has national responsibility. Burn wounds often have dramatic consequences, and caring for the sufferers requires substantial resources.

For those burn victims who reach the hospital alive, the mortality rate has fallen constantly over the past two decades. With modern treatment strategies, the length of hospital stays has been more than halved and patients today have far less long-term problems as a result of their wounds.

Previously I was deputy head of department (research) at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. He has extensive experience of supervising doctoral students.




Mohamed Ellabban, Ingrid Steinvall, Folke Sjöberg, Moustafa Elmasry (2025) Technical Refinements of Supraclavicular Artery Island Flap With Submuscular Tunnel for Reconstruction of Remote Head and Neck Postburn Scars Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open, Vol. 13, Article e6455 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Folke Sjöberg, David Greenhalgh, Moustafa Elmasry, Islam Mohamedy Abdelrahman, Ahmed Elserafy, Ingrid Steinvall (2025) High early incidence of sepsis and its impact on organ dysfunction in burn trauma patients: a detailed and hypothesis generating study BURNS & TRAUMA, Vol. 13, Article tkae085 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sallam Abdallah, Mouna Tabebi, Sawsan Qanadilo, Neserin Ali, Jing Wang, Padraig D´arcy, Wen Zhong, Folke Sjöberg, Moustafa Elmasry, Ahmed Elserafy (2025) Modulation of biological activities in adipose derived stem cells by histone deacetylation Scientific Reports, Vol. 15, Article 3629 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

About me


1975 American High School Diploma, San Raphael, California, USA, (Dean Honors list student; All American in Swimming).

1977 Swedish High School (Studentexamen), Platenskolan, Motala, Sweden

1980 Bachelor of medicine, Uppsala University, Uppsala , Sweden.

1983 Medical Degree (M.D.), Linköping University Hospital, Linköping, Sweden.

1987 License to practice Medicine in Sweden (Svensk Läkarlegitimation 1987)

1990 Certified specialist in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

1990 Ph.D. Thesis in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care “Skeletal muscle surface pH and PO2. An experimental study including the construction and application of a multichannel microelectrode for the combined measurements of tissue pH and PO2. Linköping Medical dissertations, no 325.


1991 Consultant Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, University Hospital of Linköping

1993 Associate Professor in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (Docent in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care)

1995 Visiting professor at the Institute de Recherches Servier, Centre de Recherches de Suresnes, Paris, France

1997 Visiting professor Dept. of Clinical Physiology (CNR), University of Pisa, Italy

1998 - 2002 Chairman, Department Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, University Hospital of Linköping, Linköping, Sweden.

2002 - 2009 Medical Director, Berzelius Clinical Research Center, Linköping, Sweden

2005 - ongoing Member of executive board International Society for Burn Injuries ISBI (World organization)

2007 - 2009 President European Burns Association (EBA)

1996 - ongoing Director, the Burn Center at Linköping University Hospital, Linköping Sweden

2000 - ongoing Professor in Burn Surger/Critical Care, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), University of Linköping, Linköping, Sweden

2009 - 2014 Director Research and Development; the Swedish Intensive Care registry

2010 - 2014 Co-chair at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine

2013 – ongoing Program chair (International Society (world Association) for Burn Injuries (ISBI)

2013 - ongoing Board member "Verification Committee" American Burns Association

Academic awards and honors

Scholarships: "promising young scientist”, 1987, Linköping University

Mutual company “Förenade Livs” Research scholarship. 1989

Lions research award 1990

Olof Norlanders memorial fund “promising young Swedish anesthesiologist” 1995

The Radiometer prize (Scandinavian Society for Anaesthesiologists) 1999

The County of Östergötland teaching and research prize 2003


Clinical supervision of undergraduate students since 1985, working as “amanuens” (teaching assistant) 1978 – 1985

1985 – ongoing. Regular lecturer for Medical Students, and doctors in specialty training (ST) as well as supervisor for Students in the Masters program.


Supervised more than 40 undergraduate medical students (including Biology students and Master program students) in their “studies-in-depth” which is a part of their final undergraduate examination (“examensarbeten”).

Supervisor of 37 PhD students, 20 of whom have completed their thesis; Gustafsson, U. 1995, Linden, M. 1998, Zdolsek, J. 2000, Golster, H. 2001, Kimme, P. 2003, Rousseau, A. -2004, (Karlander, LE. 2004), Thorfinn, J. 2006, Tesselar, E. 2007, Bak, Z. 2008, Orvelius, L. 2009, Henricson, J. 2009. Samuelsson, A. 2010, Farnebo, S. 2010, Bäckman, C. 2011, Steinvall, I. 2011, Johansson, J. 2012, Berkius, J. 2013, Elmasry, M. 2014, Nilsson, A. 2015 Another 7, have passed the half time control.

Faculty opponent 8 times (including. Norway/Finland).

Two world patents.

Primary investigator in more than 150 clinical trials, ranging from phase I-IV.

Financial support from “FORSS” Östergötland County Council; Vetenskapsrådet” (Swedish Medical Research Council (travel grant)).

Co-author of more than 200 original scientific papers published in international peer-reviewed journals. Most of them in the field of Burns, Critical Care and Microcirculation. H-index 23 (April 2016) and 1800 citations according to SCI o. Author in 8 books (including editor (1)/co-editor (1), and for 12 separate chapters.

More than 40 times invited lectures at national and international scientific conferences.

Editorial board member of the following 7 international journals: Burns; Journal of Burn Care and Research; Microcirculation; The open Circulation and Vascular journal; The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; European Journal of Wounds and Burns management. Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters.

Regularly reviewer for scientific journals incl. Lancet, Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care, Burns, Journal of Burn Care and Research, ACTA Anesthesiologica Scandinavica, American Journal of Physiology; Shock.


  • Chairman, Centre for Biomedical Resources (CBR)
  • Chairman, Postgraduate Forum – a platform for discussing conditions of research programmes
  • Chairman of LiU’s strategic group for equal opportunities (SLV)
  • In charge of implementing LiU Research Fellows
  • Committee, Knut and Alice Wallenberg’s travel grants
  • Foundations: Fund of LiU; Asp’s Foundation
  • Management of Doctoral student survey – a regular survey of doctoral students’ working environment
  • Emeritus Academy – Retired professors invited to continue their research at the university
